Which is better

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Why do English people have bad breath?

They drink to much coffee and gaugle their mouths with sewage water.
Maybe good oral hygiene is not important to them.
Don't think you can make that generalisation..
That's a pretty broad generalization! Usually bad breath is the result of poor oral hygiene. Brush and floss and see the dentist at least twice yearly.
Do you ever think before generalizing?
Do you have the capacity for intelectial growth or will you continue to look this stupid to me forever?Buff.
To prevent ugly foreigners like you trying to kiss them.
i'm english and my dental hygiene and my breath is just fine, thank you very much! maybe you have only met scutters who don't brush their teeth!! maybe you should try meeting nicer people in nicer cleaner places rather than in the gutter! how is your breath? maybe its yours that smells and you don't realise??
It is not the English people that have bad breath but kind of people that may have bad breath and they can be from anywhere. Generally the reasons for this are:
1. They have bad stomach - one must crap every morning!!
2. They do not brush their teeth properly - twice a day is ideal
3. They have diseased teeth/gums.
Generally people who have bad breath are not aware of it and if you are close to them there is no harm in making them aware of it.
because the dont talk much, bad air cant circulate and remain in their mouth and cause bad breath, i think...
Why don't you have good manners?

Why do dentists make you take antibiotics every time you get a tooth pulled?

I had a wisdom tooth pulled and was on amoxicillan for a week then a molar next to it and am on penecillan for a week. What a pain! And now I have a head cold to boot! Geesh!
They don't always make you take antibiotics after every extraction. Only when it is indicated.
But you are right! It is not a good thing to take antibiotics needlessly. There are problems with them. But what a wonderful thing it is when you need them.
Because like any other form of surgery, there is always a risk of infection. Therefore antibiotics.
Because there's a gaping hole in your mouth. That's an open door for bacteria and other foreign objects to move in and cause an infection. Antibiotics help prevent those infections.
To prevent infection.When I had a wisdom tooth pulled, I had to take an antibiotic before I had it pulled because I had an infection in the tooth.
so u won't get infection
Without the antibiotics, you risk infection that would be far mor painfull and possibly deadly.
Want prevent you from getting an infection.

Why do dentists always try and talk to you when they are working on your mouth?

Its not as if you can answer back with any dignerty. And to make matters worse mine has death breath.
I like it when my dentist talks to me. It is soothing to me. My dentist that I went to growing up him and the nurse would talk about their day and trips they have gone on. I was so busy concentrating on them talking that it took away from any discomfort of the procedure that they were doing. Smart dentists do this. They know what works.
It is because your lack of 'dignerty' is funny!
you are right dentists do have bad breath dont they always smell of GARLIC.
I think they have some weird sense of humor. I mean who chooses to dig in peoples mouths all day anyway.
They try to make u comfortable, and they keep u less bored...
Probably to distract you from the pain etc. Your dentist should have a mask on their mouth.
I agree with you.Mine uses to talk to me too and I can only make a sort of noise to reply.
Its just with you cause you talk bollox!?
coz they r bored out of there pants. think about it-who would like 2 spend all day picking a peoples mouths? oh yeah-its spelt dignity LOL
OH I know... it's terribly annoying when you can't answer intelligibly. They don't want an uncomfortable silence, so they talk. It's only natural. As for the breath... my dentist always uses a surgical mask... I would look for one who does this also.
Yes, mine does. It's rather annoying.
i always think they like the feeling on their fingers as we splutter...
i hate dentists!!
it's a combination of helping you get your mind off the fact he has a drill in your mouth as well as measuring your pain tolerance by your responses. When you don't respond they know you are having trouble handling the work.
Same reason your hair dresser talks to you while he/she is doing your hair... pass the time, put you at ease. But where the hairdresser's work doesn't involve your capacity to speak, the dentist is right there, in your mouth.Suggestion-- Bring a breath mint to your dentist's office at your next visit. Hand it to him right when he comes in to start working on your teeth.
The doctor should have a mask on. If his breath penetrates the mask. Find another dentist--he does not know how to take of his own teeth. Why should you trust him with yours..Back to the question why they talk to you while they work in your mouth??. This a comedy act they pull--talk to you and see if ya can to answer. The dentist profession is a very lonely thing to do. Their is usually no one to talk to and there you are---mouth wide open---a captive audence---and you cannot leave..
They try to divert your attention from what they might be doing inside your mouth.
My dad is a dentist and talks to me but he asks me about school since I don't live him. While waiting in the back office I have heard him ask them about where they live and talk about me and if it is a usual he asks about their family. Many times he has had patients like him so much they invite us to their homes (mainly old people). You should act shy so they can cut the talking if you don't like it. I have never been to another dentist so that is the way my dads office works.
Lmao, mine has bad breath too! He says stuff to me like "oooh brush your teeth better gemma"I go... "mmmm"Hes like "are you listening Gemma?!"...Mmm"Are you listening Gemma?"
I mean cmon what does he want me to say to him while hes got his hand down my throat??
These shibboleths just keep on rolling, don't they? Dentists don't talk to pts when the pts mouth is full, but what a loss of pathetically unfunny humour were this to be accepted.
Hehe- they try to have a conversation with you to keep you feeling as though you're in a normal environment where you're not stressed. By making conversation they also feel they're doing a better job of keeping you occupied and knowing that you'll use their services again. I believe the term "a load of cobblers" comes from similar circumstances. In the old days when you'd go to get your shoes repaired by a cobbler you were likely to only have one pair of shoes and therefore it would be a long wait while they fixed them. So whilst waiting they may strike up conversation and talk about any old happenings, stories etc to keep you occupied. This makes me think of hair dressers and dentists nowadays- they don't 'alf go on about nothing! hehe
They talk to you to try and make you more comfortable -- I know it is annoying because you can not respond very well but they are pretty good at figuring out what you say
I think it is to try and make you feel a bit more comfortable/at ease because it's well known that people are nervous of dentists.
I think it is to distract you from what they are doing sometimes. I know in our office, we do that. I hope he has a mask on, that should help with the death breath on the receiving end. They also are trying to get to know you and although is is weird to you, it is very normal to the dentist as that is what he deals with daily.

Why do dentist have to take out an adult teeth when you have braces?

Please tell me becaus I might have to take out SOME teeths and I'm scared
They often have to remove the wisdom teeth because if they're allowed to grow in they will crowd the mouth and push the other teeth out of alignment.
It's to make room for when the teeth start moving in their correct places.
it gives the teeth room
they are crowded and they take them out so they arnt no more and can grow straight
To make more room for your teeth to move and your wisdom teeth to move in. I got some pulled too. It's not that bad, afterwards you just have bed rest for a day or two, and you get to make everyone be your servant. XD
Because of overcrowding. I had to have one tooth on the bottom pulled
You must have too many teeth in your mouth.
Most likely it's to save you pain and money. But don't worry, they put you on pain killers, and it really doesn't hurt. I've had my wisdom teeth removed and that wasn't too bad. ;) Plus you can trick your parents into getting you milkshakes and stuff, in the end it's all good.
they remove some teeth to create space in the mouth to straighten the teeth. since the teeth are enbedded to your facial bones they must be removed to create space. in a sense it makes your mouth smaller but with straight teeth.
To make room. Sometimes people have crooked teeth because their mouths are too small for a full set of adult teeth. So they pull a couple, and fill in the gaps with the rest to make a perfect smile.
too make room in your mouth so the teeth left can be adjusted to be straight!
it's because they need room to fit the brace, and also to stop overcrowding. not long ago, i was going to have quite a few teeth out, but i chickened out, please dont do that, because then you cant have the brace, which means no straight teeth. don't be frightened, many people have to have teeth taken out
I had 4 pulled for braces. It was sore for the first few days but healed fully in a few months. The spaces allow room and movement of the teeth. The braces move the teeth slowly so my gaps closed up in about a year. But gone already when the braces came off. Good luck!

Why do blacks suck their teeth?

During my studies on the uses of jenkem I have found that this is something that blacks do regularly. Is this a side effect of their consumption of this substance?
Out of curiosity, I had to look up "jenkem" and this is part of what I found: Jenkem is an inhaled gas which can result in dissociation and hallucinations. It is made from fermented sewage, is primarily composed of methane, and is popular amongst the street children of Zambia.No one knows how or when the children first began manufacturing jenkem, but according to the BBC it has been around since at least 1997.Its effects last for around an hour and consists of auditory and visual hallucinations. The raw materials are plentiful and freely available in the form of fecal matter from the open sewers of the major towns, e.g. Lusaka. This is then fermented in containers and the fumes are inhaled.If this is what poor black children--and whites, too--have to do to escape their deplorable environment, then I feel bad for the human race. The image of them sucking on their teeth afterwards only makes it more deplorable.
what ?
I have witnessed people of many colors that suck their teeth as a way of dislodging food from in between. Your question makes me laugh. Thanx
Its called ATTITUDE!! we were born with it..good luck with your study.
i think it is because they have big gums.
Naw baby; it's just a black thing. You wouldn't understand...
Ah... another troll for my Blocked Idiots list. Enjoy the company - you DESERVE it.
I dunno, why do whites pick their noses?

Why do babies teeth sometimes have black spots on them?

i just brought my one year old to the dentist for that and it could be a number of things but its usually stains from iron or medications and its usually nothing to worry about
Those black spots are usually cavities
bad water, lacking calcium..see a dentist. or get city water
i don't know you should ask a dentist. i knew a kid who had black spots all over her teeth. it looked disgusting. maybe she didn't brush enough.
Regardless of the age of the patient,
black spots are likely decay or possibly stain.See a dentist to determine what treatment may be
Could be bad water, medicine. Best of going to the dentist, as my friend had black teeth as a kid. Though nw she has great teeth. Just to be sure, probably should go to the dentist.

Why do antibiotics need a prescription? Does an over-the-counter equivalent exist?

only a doctor has the means to figure out if you need an antibiotic and which one would be appropriate . if they were available without prescription they would be overused which eventually creates more resistant organisms, which in turn requires the developement of new or stronger antibiotics, you wouldn't know for sure which one to use, or maybe not even need one. there could be side effects or the risk of an allergic reaction. i don't believe there is any otc equivalent
No there's no over the counter antibiotics. They need a prescription or else the public would go nuts buying them and we'd all eventually have bacteria that were resistant to antibiotics. People already overuse antibiotics and eventually the bacteria get resistant so they need a stronger antibiotic. If they get resistant to that then they need stronger ones. With antibiotics you can only go so strong before we run out of things to give you and eventually you could die from just a common cold from overuse of antbiotics, so we need to keep a strict hold on them because the public is often uneducated about these things and are looking for quick fixes rather than common sense.
Antibiotics require a prescription for three reasons. The first is that picking the right antibiotic for a given infection is not easy. In order to fight an infection you need to know what type of bacteria is causing it (some types of bacteria are streptococcus pyogenes which causes strep throat and chlamydia trachomatis which causes the std chlamydia). Basically, a lot of training is required to pick the right drugs for the right bugs. Second, antibiotics can cause a lot of side effects and therefore it is important for people to know about the side effects and for treatment plans to be monitored by physicians. The third, and probably most important reason is that the overuse of antibiotics speeds up the development of drug-resistant bacteria. Drug-resistant bacteria are very difficult to treat and are very serious and sometimes deadly.
umm... the common cold is caused by a virus, not a bacteria. therefore, it cannot be treated with antibiotics. and while i agree that SOMETIMES it's better for a doctor to diagnose your illness rather than simply treating yourself... it is not ALWAYS better. case in point, i get strep throat once a year, every year. i know its strep every time but i have to get tested, every time. sometimes the tests come back negative. when this happens the doctor will usually write the prescription anyways because of the visible symptoms. but occasionally i have to wait for it to get really bad, go back, get another test and THEN get the medication. this is just silly. which is way in SOME COUNTRIES antibiotics are sold freely over the counter, like tylenol and advil.

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