Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Why do English people have bad breath?
They drink to much coffee and gaugle their mouths with sewage water.
Maybe good oral hygiene is not important to them.
Don't think you can make that generalisation..
That's a pretty broad generalization! Usually bad breath is the result of poor oral hygiene. Brush and floss and see the dentist at least twice yearly.
Do you ever think before generalizing?
Do you have the capacity for intelectial growth or will you continue to look this stupid to me forever?Buff.
To prevent ugly foreigners like you trying to kiss them.
i'm english and my dental hygiene and my breath is just fine, thank you very much! maybe you have only met scutters who don't brush their teeth!! maybe you should try meeting nicer people in nicer cleaner places rather than in the gutter! how is your breath? maybe its yours that smells and you don't realise??
It is not the English people that have bad breath but kind of people that may have bad breath and they can be from anywhere. Generally the reasons for this are:
1. They have bad stomach - one must crap every morning!!
2. They do not brush their teeth properly - twice a day is ideal
3. They have diseased teeth/gums.
Generally people who have bad breath are not aware of it and if you are close to them there is no harm in making them aware of it.
because the dont talk much, bad air cant circulate and remain in their mouth and cause bad breath, i think...
Why don't you have good manners?
Why do dentists make you take antibiotics every time you get a tooth pulled?
I had a wisdom tooth pulled and was on amoxicillan for a week then a molar next to it and am on penecillan for a week. What a pain! And now I have a head cold to boot! Geesh!
They don't always make you take antibiotics after every extraction. Only when it is indicated.
But you are right! It is not a good thing to take antibiotics needlessly. There are problems with them. But what a wonderful thing it is when you need them.
Because like any other form of surgery, there is always a risk of infection. Therefore antibiotics.
Because there's a gaping hole in your mouth. That's an open door for bacteria and other foreign objects to move in and cause an infection. Antibiotics help prevent those infections.
To prevent infection.When I had a wisdom tooth pulled, I had to take an antibiotic before I had it pulled because I had an infection in the tooth.
so u won't get infection
Without the antibiotics, you risk infection that would be far mor painfull and possibly deadly.
Want prevent you from getting an infection.
They don't always make you take antibiotics after every extraction. Only when it is indicated.
But you are right! It is not a good thing to take antibiotics needlessly. There are problems with them. But what a wonderful thing it is when you need them.
Because like any other form of surgery, there is always a risk of infection. Therefore antibiotics.
Because there's a gaping hole in your mouth. That's an open door for bacteria and other foreign objects to move in and cause an infection. Antibiotics help prevent those infections.
To prevent infection.When I had a wisdom tooth pulled, I had to take an antibiotic before I had it pulled because I had an infection in the tooth.
so u won't get infection
Without the antibiotics, you risk infection that would be far mor painfull and possibly deadly.
Want prevent you from getting an infection.
Why do dentists always try and talk to you when they are working on your mouth?
Its not as if you can answer back with any dignerty. And to make matters worse mine has death breath.
I like it when my dentist talks to me. It is soothing to me. My dentist that I went to growing up him and the nurse would talk about their day and trips they have gone on. I was so busy concentrating on them talking that it took away from any discomfort of the procedure that they were doing. Smart dentists do this. They know what works.
It is because your lack of 'dignerty' is funny!
you are right dentists do have bad breath dont they always smell of GARLIC.
I think they have some weird sense of humor. I mean who chooses to dig in peoples mouths all day anyway.
They try to make u comfortable, and they keep u less bored...
Probably to distract you from the pain etc. Your dentist should have a mask on their mouth.
I agree with you.Mine uses to talk to me too and I can only make a sort of noise to reply.
Its just with you cause you talk bollox!?
coz they r bored out of there pants. think about it-who would like 2 spend all day picking a peoples mouths? oh yeah-its spelt dignity LOL
OH I know... it's terribly annoying when you can't answer intelligibly. They don't want an uncomfortable silence, so they talk. It's only natural. As for the breath... my dentist always uses a surgical mask... I would look for one who does this also.
Yes, mine does. It's rather annoying.
i always think they like the feeling on their fingers as we splutter...
i hate dentists!!
it's a combination of helping you get your mind off the fact he has a drill in your mouth as well as measuring your pain tolerance by your responses. When you don't respond they know you are having trouble handling the work.
Same reason your hair dresser talks to you while he/she is doing your hair... pass the time, put you at ease. But where the hairdresser's work doesn't involve your capacity to speak, the dentist is right there, in your mouth.Suggestion-- Bring a breath mint to your dentist's office at your next visit. Hand it to him right when he comes in to start working on your teeth.
The doctor should have a mask on. If his breath penetrates the mask. Find another dentist--he does not know how to take of his own teeth. Why should you trust him with yours..Back to the question why they talk to you while they work in your mouth??. This a comedy act they pull--talk to you and see if ya can to answer. The dentist profession is a very lonely thing to do. Their is usually no one to talk to and there you are---mouth wide open---a captive audence---and you cannot leave..
They try to divert your attention from what they might be doing inside your mouth.
My dad is a dentist and talks to me but he asks me about school since I don't live him. While waiting in the back office I have heard him ask them about where they live and talk about me and if it is a usual he asks about their family. Many times he has had patients like him so much they invite us to their homes (mainly old people). You should act shy so they can cut the talking if you don't like it. I have never been to another dentist so that is the way my dads office works.
Lmao, mine has bad breath too! He says stuff to me like "oooh brush your teeth better gemma"I go... "mmmm"Hes like "are you listening Gemma?!"...Mmm"Are you listening Gemma?"
I mean cmon what does he want me to say to him while hes got his hand down my throat??
These shibboleths just keep on rolling, don't they? Dentists don't talk to pts when the pts mouth is full, but what a loss of pathetically unfunny humour were this to be accepted.
Hehe- they try to have a conversation with you to keep you feeling as though you're in a normal environment where you're not stressed. By making conversation they also feel they're doing a better job of keeping you occupied and knowing that you'll use their services again. I believe the term "a load of cobblers" comes from similar circumstances. In the old days when you'd go to get your shoes repaired by a cobbler you were likely to only have one pair of shoes and therefore it would be a long wait while they fixed them. So whilst waiting they may strike up conversation and talk about any old happenings, stories etc to keep you occupied. This makes me think of hair dressers and dentists nowadays- they don't 'alf go on about nothing! hehe
They talk to you to try and make you more comfortable -- I know it is annoying because you can not respond very well but they are pretty good at figuring out what you say
I think it is to try and make you feel a bit more comfortable/at ease because it's well known that people are nervous of dentists.
I think it is to distract you from what they are doing sometimes. I know in our office, we do that. I hope he has a mask on, that should help with the death breath on the receiving end. They also are trying to get to know you and although is is weird to you, it is very normal to the dentist as that is what he deals with daily.
I like it when my dentist talks to me. It is soothing to me. My dentist that I went to growing up him and the nurse would talk about their day and trips they have gone on. I was so busy concentrating on them talking that it took away from any discomfort of the procedure that they were doing. Smart dentists do this. They know what works.
It is because your lack of 'dignerty' is funny!
you are right dentists do have bad breath dont they always smell of GARLIC.
I think they have some weird sense of humor. I mean who chooses to dig in peoples mouths all day anyway.
They try to make u comfortable, and they keep u less bored...
Probably to distract you from the pain etc. Your dentist should have a mask on their mouth.
I agree with you.Mine uses to talk to me too and I can only make a sort of noise to reply.
Its just with you cause you talk bollox!?
coz they r bored out of there pants. think about it-who would like 2 spend all day picking a peoples mouths? oh yeah-its spelt dignity LOL
OH I know... it's terribly annoying when you can't answer intelligibly. They don't want an uncomfortable silence, so they talk. It's only natural. As for the breath... my dentist always uses a surgical mask... I would look for one who does this also.
Yes, mine does. It's rather annoying.
i always think they like the feeling on their fingers as we splutter...
i hate dentists!!
it's a combination of helping you get your mind off the fact he has a drill in your mouth as well as measuring your pain tolerance by your responses. When you don't respond they know you are having trouble handling the work.
Same reason your hair dresser talks to you while he/she is doing your hair... pass the time, put you at ease. But where the hairdresser's work doesn't involve your capacity to speak, the dentist is right there, in your mouth.Suggestion-- Bring a breath mint to your dentist's office at your next visit. Hand it to him right when he comes in to start working on your teeth.
The doctor should have a mask on. If his breath penetrates the mask. Find another dentist--he does not know how to take of his own teeth. Why should you trust him with yours..Back to the question why they talk to you while they work in your mouth??. This a comedy act they pull--talk to you and see if ya can to answer. The dentist profession is a very lonely thing to do. Their is usually no one to talk to and there you are---mouth wide open---a captive audence---and you cannot leave..
They try to divert your attention from what they might be doing inside your mouth.
My dad is a dentist and talks to me but he asks me about school since I don't live him. While waiting in the back office I have heard him ask them about where they live and talk about me and if it is a usual he asks about their family. Many times he has had patients like him so much they invite us to their homes (mainly old people). You should act shy so they can cut the talking if you don't like it. I have never been to another dentist so that is the way my dads office works.
Lmao, mine has bad breath too! He says stuff to me like "oooh brush your teeth better gemma"I go... "mmmm"Hes like "are you listening Gemma?!"...Mmm"Are you listening Gemma?"
I mean cmon what does he want me to say to him while hes got his hand down my throat??
These shibboleths just keep on rolling, don't they? Dentists don't talk to pts when the pts mouth is full, but what a loss of pathetically unfunny humour were this to be accepted.
Hehe- they try to have a conversation with you to keep you feeling as though you're in a normal environment where you're not stressed. By making conversation they also feel they're doing a better job of keeping you occupied and knowing that you'll use their services again. I believe the term "a load of cobblers" comes from similar circumstances. In the old days when you'd go to get your shoes repaired by a cobbler you were likely to only have one pair of shoes and therefore it would be a long wait while they fixed them. So whilst waiting they may strike up conversation and talk about any old happenings, stories etc to keep you occupied. This makes me think of hair dressers and dentists nowadays- they don't 'alf go on about nothing! hehe
They talk to you to try and make you more comfortable -- I know it is annoying because you can not respond very well but they are pretty good at figuring out what you say
I think it is to try and make you feel a bit more comfortable/at ease because it's well known that people are nervous of dentists.
I think it is to distract you from what they are doing sometimes. I know in our office, we do that. I hope he has a mask on, that should help with the death breath on the receiving end. They also are trying to get to know you and although is is weird to you, it is very normal to the dentist as that is what he deals with daily.
Why do dentist have to take out an adult teeth when you have braces?
Please tell me becaus I might have to take out SOME teeths and I'm scared
They often have to remove the wisdom teeth because if they're allowed to grow in they will crowd the mouth and push the other teeth out of alignment.
It's to make room for when the teeth start moving in their correct places.
it gives the teeth room
they are crowded and they take them out so they arnt no more and can grow straight
To make more room for your teeth to move and your wisdom teeth to move in. I got some pulled too. It's not that bad, afterwards you just have bed rest for a day or two, and you get to make everyone be your servant. XD
Because of overcrowding. I had to have one tooth on the bottom pulled
You must have too many teeth in your mouth.
Most likely it's to save you pain and money. But don't worry, they put you on pain killers, and it really doesn't hurt. I've had my wisdom teeth removed and that wasn't too bad. ;) Plus you can trick your parents into getting you milkshakes and stuff, in the end it's all good.
they remove some teeth to create space in the mouth to straighten the teeth. since the teeth are enbedded to your facial bones they must be removed to create space. in a sense it makes your mouth smaller but with straight teeth.
To make room. Sometimes people have crooked teeth because their mouths are too small for a full set of adult teeth. So they pull a couple, and fill in the gaps with the rest to make a perfect smile.
too make room in your mouth so the teeth left can be adjusted to be straight!
it's because they need room to fit the brace, and also to stop overcrowding. not long ago, i was going to have quite a few teeth out, but i chickened out, please dont do that, because then you cant have the brace, which means no straight teeth. don't be frightened, many people have to have teeth taken out
I had 4 pulled for braces. It was sore for the first few days but healed fully in a few months. The spaces allow room and movement of the teeth. The braces move the teeth slowly so my gaps closed up in about a year. But gone already when the braces came off. Good luck!
They often have to remove the wisdom teeth because if they're allowed to grow in they will crowd the mouth and push the other teeth out of alignment.
It's to make room for when the teeth start moving in their correct places.
it gives the teeth room
they are crowded and they take them out so they arnt no more and can grow straight
To make more room for your teeth to move and your wisdom teeth to move in. I got some pulled too. It's not that bad, afterwards you just have bed rest for a day or two, and you get to make everyone be your servant. XD
Because of overcrowding. I had to have one tooth on the bottom pulled
You must have too many teeth in your mouth.
Most likely it's to save you pain and money. But don't worry, they put you on pain killers, and it really doesn't hurt. I've had my wisdom teeth removed and that wasn't too bad. ;) Plus you can trick your parents into getting you milkshakes and stuff, in the end it's all good.
they remove some teeth to create space in the mouth to straighten the teeth. since the teeth are enbedded to your facial bones they must be removed to create space. in a sense it makes your mouth smaller but with straight teeth.
To make room. Sometimes people have crooked teeth because their mouths are too small for a full set of adult teeth. So they pull a couple, and fill in the gaps with the rest to make a perfect smile.
too make room in your mouth so the teeth left can be adjusted to be straight!
it's because they need room to fit the brace, and also to stop overcrowding. not long ago, i was going to have quite a few teeth out, but i chickened out, please dont do that, because then you cant have the brace, which means no straight teeth. don't be frightened, many people have to have teeth taken out
I had 4 pulled for braces. It was sore for the first few days but healed fully in a few months. The spaces allow room and movement of the teeth. The braces move the teeth slowly so my gaps closed up in about a year. But gone already when the braces came off. Good luck!
Why do blacks suck their teeth?
During my studies on the uses of jenkem I have found that this is something that blacks do regularly. Is this a side effect of their consumption of this substance?
Out of curiosity, I had to look up "jenkem" and this is part of what I found: Jenkem is an inhaled gas which can result in dissociation and hallucinations. It is made from fermented sewage, is primarily composed of methane, and is popular amongst the street children of Zambia.No one knows how or when the children first began manufacturing jenkem, but according to the BBC it has been around since at least 1997.Its effects last for around an hour and consists of auditory and visual hallucinations. The raw materials are plentiful and freely available in the form of fecal matter from the open sewers of the major towns, e.g. Lusaka. This is then fermented in containers and the fumes are inhaled.If this is what poor black children--and whites, too--have to do to escape their deplorable environment, then I feel bad for the human race. The image of them sucking on their teeth afterwards only makes it more deplorable.
what ?
I have witnessed people of many colors that suck their teeth as a way of dislodging food from in between. Your question makes me laugh. Thanx
Its called ATTITUDE!! we were born with it..good luck with your study.
i think it is because they have big gums.
Naw baby; it's just a black thing. You wouldn't understand...
Ah... another troll for my Blocked Idiots list. Enjoy the company - you DESERVE it.
I dunno, why do whites pick their noses?
Out of curiosity, I had to look up "jenkem" and this is part of what I found: Jenkem is an inhaled gas which can result in dissociation and hallucinations. It is made from fermented sewage, is primarily composed of methane, and is popular amongst the street children of Zambia.No one knows how or when the children first began manufacturing jenkem, but according to the BBC it has been around since at least 1997.Its effects last for around an hour and consists of auditory and visual hallucinations. The raw materials are plentiful and freely available in the form of fecal matter from the open sewers of the major towns, e.g. Lusaka. This is then fermented in containers and the fumes are inhaled.If this is what poor black children--and whites, too--have to do to escape their deplorable environment, then I feel bad for the human race. The image of them sucking on their teeth afterwards only makes it more deplorable.
what ?
I have witnessed people of many colors that suck their teeth as a way of dislodging food from in between. Your question makes me laugh. Thanx
Its called ATTITUDE!! we were born with it..good luck with your study.
i think it is because they have big gums.
Naw baby; it's just a black thing. You wouldn't understand...
Ah... another troll for my Blocked Idiots list. Enjoy the company - you DESERVE it.
I dunno, why do whites pick their noses?
Why do babies teeth sometimes have black spots on them?
i just brought my one year old to the dentist for that and it could be a number of things but its usually stains from iron or medications and its usually nothing to worry about
Those black spots are usually cavities
bad water, lacking calcium..see a dentist. or get city water
i don't know you should ask a dentist. i knew a kid who had black spots all over her teeth. it looked disgusting. maybe she didn't brush enough.
Regardless of the age of the patient,
black spots are likely decay or possibly stain.See a dentist to determine what treatment may be
Could be bad water, medicine. Best of going to the dentist, as my friend had black teeth as a kid. Though nw she has great teeth. Just to be sure, probably should go to the dentist.
Why do antibiotics need a prescription? Does an over-the-counter equivalent exist?
only a doctor has the means to figure out if you need an antibiotic and which one would be appropriate . if they were available without prescription they would be overused which eventually creates more resistant organisms, which in turn requires the developement of new or stronger antibiotics, you wouldn't know for sure which one to use, or maybe not even need one. there could be side effects or the risk of an allergic reaction. i don't believe there is any otc equivalent
No there's no over the counter antibiotics. They need a prescription or else the public would go nuts buying them and we'd all eventually have bacteria that were resistant to antibiotics. People already overuse antibiotics and eventually the bacteria get resistant so they need a stronger antibiotic. If they get resistant to that then they need stronger ones. With antibiotics you can only go so strong before we run out of things to give you and eventually you could die from just a common cold from overuse of antbiotics, so we need to keep a strict hold on them because the public is often uneducated about these things and are looking for quick fixes rather than common sense.
Antibiotics require a prescription for three reasons. The first is that picking the right antibiotic for a given infection is not easy. In order to fight an infection you need to know what type of bacteria is causing it (some types of bacteria are streptococcus pyogenes which causes strep throat and chlamydia trachomatis which causes the std chlamydia). Basically, a lot of training is required to pick the right drugs for the right bugs. Second, antibiotics can cause a lot of side effects and therefore it is important for people to know about the side effects and for treatment plans to be monitored by physicians. The third, and probably most important reason is that the overuse of antibiotics speeds up the development of drug-resistant bacteria. Drug-resistant bacteria are very difficult to treat and are very serious and sometimes deadly.
umm... the common cold is caused by a virus, not a bacteria. therefore, it cannot be treated with antibiotics. and while i agree that SOMETIMES it's better for a doctor to diagnose your illness rather than simply treating yourself... it is not ALWAYS better. case in point, i get strep throat once a year, every year. i know its strep every time but i have to get tested, every time. sometimes the tests come back negative. when this happens the doctor will usually write the prescription anyways because of the visible symptoms. but occasionally i have to wait for it to get really bad, go back, get another test and THEN get the medication. this is just silly. which is way in SOME COUNTRIES antibiotics are sold freely over the counter, like tylenol and advil.
Why do Americans wear grossly false looking caps on their teeth?
You have made a stereo type about people. Many people have cosmetic dentistry yes that is true, however some people have to have crowns to save a tooth. If I had the choice of crown or extraction, I off course will pick a crown. Think about your question. You are portraying the very thing that you are accusing "Americans with grossly false looking caps" of doing. You are suggesting that just because an American has great looking teeth than we think everything is okay. How can you make such a narrow minded assumption, based on a person's nationality and the look of their smile. If you really believe this than you are the one who needs help, not anyone else. You are being ignorant to the fullest extent, and if you honestly go through life making these kinds of generalizations, than you will have a very unhappy life.
and why do ppl in the UK have no teeth at all?
Well it's not always about the look aspect. Not only from diffrent countrys but in America as well some people don't relize that denstiry is also a health thing. The caps that I belive that you may be talking about are called crowns. Most of the time befor a person gets a crown they get something called a root canal, which is when the root of the tooth is taken out to prevent pain that was probaply caused by to much decay. When the root of the tooth is taken out most of the tooth is gone as well and and only the outter shell of the tooth is there and is not strong enough to stand alone, which is wher the crown comes into place, that way a person can eat as noramal with out pain or further decay.
It could be that some have chipped, stained, crooked, rotten teeth and want to improve them. If they boost their confidence then more power to them. Whatever floats your boat. =)
Why did i have 3 sets of teeth? Is that normal?
Genetics, some are congenitally missing some of the permanent teeth, some have extra permanent teeth. I should know since I was one of them, it's referred to as having "supernumerary teeth." Is it normal? It's very common, so you have nothing to worry about. Your orthodontist will review this with you and let you know which will need to be extracted prior to orthodontic treatment. Good luck!
I worked with an oral surgeon for the last 10 years. you would be surprised how may people have multiple sets and how some people don't have any.
It is normal for an Elephant!Just kidding. I am only jealous because I am 31 and will need dentures before I am 40
Why cant u eat popcorn with braces?
whats the big deal?
Because the hull from the kernel gets up under the wires and is difficult to get out, plus a really hard kernel can break the glue off a post
kernals stick into your braces which is an extreme pain to remove. Ask your doctor for dental floss for braces, there is a special kind that is used for flossing.
The hulls may get caught in the braces and you may not be able to get it out. Just an FYI my son does not strictly follow the orthodontists rules but that doesn't mean you should do the same without talking to your parents first. I am willing to accept responsiblity for what might happen but your parents may not.
Can you?? Sure! If you don't mind spending the next hour cleaning your braces.
You could also break off a bracket or two when biting anything hard.
It's bad enough eating popcorn WITHOUT braces. I haven't tried it, but I can only imagine the time it would take to clean the hulls out from between my teeth, stuck behind the brackets, etc.Flossing's a pain in the *** as it is - I wouldn't want to add to the burden.Plus it's possible that if you bite into one that has a whole kernel it might dislodge one of your brackets. That could suck.I managed to do that when I was eating Oreo cereal. I got greedy and tried to chew more than one at a time and popped that sucker right off.
I had braces and you can eat popcorn as long as you get the special flossers. You need the flossers anyway so why not live it up?
You can but it gets easily STUCK in the braces and is hard to get out. If you are great at brushing and flossing then go ahead and eat it if you cant live without it. But if you dont brush well or floss dont eat anything that will stick to your teeth and braces.
Because the hull from the kernel gets up under the wires and is difficult to get out, plus a really hard kernel can break the glue off a post
kernals stick into your braces which is an extreme pain to remove. Ask your doctor for dental floss for braces, there is a special kind that is used for flossing.
The hulls may get caught in the braces and you may not be able to get it out. Just an FYI my son does not strictly follow the orthodontists rules but that doesn't mean you should do the same without talking to your parents first. I am willing to accept responsiblity for what might happen but your parents may not.
Can you?? Sure! If you don't mind spending the next hour cleaning your braces.
You could also break off a bracket or two when biting anything hard.
It's bad enough eating popcorn WITHOUT braces. I haven't tried it, but I can only imagine the time it would take to clean the hulls out from between my teeth, stuck behind the brackets, etc.Flossing's a pain in the *** as it is - I wouldn't want to add to the burden.Plus it's possible that if you bite into one that has a whole kernel it might dislodge one of your brackets. That could suck.I managed to do that when I was eating Oreo cereal. I got greedy and tried to chew more than one at a time and popped that sucker right off.
I had braces and you can eat popcorn as long as you get the special flossers. You need the flossers anyway so why not live it up?
You can but it gets easily STUCK in the braces and is hard to get out. If you are great at brushing and flossing then go ahead and eat it if you cant live without it. But if you dont brush well or floss dont eat anything that will stick to your teeth and braces.
Why can't they do that?
Why can't a dentist do a root canal on the same visit as the check up, when I know that it's what is needed? I even asked for the appointment to scheduled as a root canal, but they won't do it.
because it may be infected and the dentist wants to know once he removes all the nerves that every thing is ok with the tooth in a week...if he seals up the tooth right than and there and something goes wrong with the tooth ex. there was 3 nerves instead of 2 and your in pain again a week later it will cause more problems...ex. if he has to re drill out the filling that he put in to seal the tooth and root canal procedure...if its not infected you can always go to another dentist...some are willing to do it in a day..if he can deffinantly not forsee any problems in the future...i hope this helped..good luck:) ps if you need a root canal schedule a emergency appointment now.they HAVE to fit you in there schedule...call early in the morning to ensure they can fit you in..its called scheduling an emergency appointment.feel better:)
A root canal therapy procedure takes a long time, especially if it's a molar (which has multiple canals).If you want to get an RCT and a checkup/xray/cleaning all done in the same visit, you will have to spend at least 3 hours in the chair.Most dentists prefer not to take such long appointments-- If the patient doesn't show up, 3 hours just got wasted.Also, you can't just go to any dentist and tell them "I need a root canal" and expect them to do it right then and there. They need to evaluate the tooth for themselves first, then recommend a course of treatment for you.
It probably needs to be taken out and can't be saved, and mostly it is because of their tight schedule.
because it may be infected and the dentist wants to know once he removes all the nerves that every thing is ok with the tooth in a week...if he seals up the tooth right than and there and something goes wrong with the tooth ex. there was 3 nerves instead of 2 and your in pain again a week later it will cause more problems...ex. if he has to re drill out the filling that he put in to seal the tooth and root canal procedure...if its not infected you can always go to another dentist...some are willing to do it in a day..if he can deffinantly not forsee any problems in the future...i hope this helped..good luck:) ps if you need a root canal schedule a emergency appointment now.they HAVE to fit you in there schedule...call early in the morning to ensure they can fit you in..its called scheduling an emergency appointment.feel better:)
A root canal therapy procedure takes a long time, especially if it's a molar (which has multiple canals).If you want to get an RCT and a checkup/xray/cleaning all done in the same visit, you will have to spend at least 3 hours in the chair.Most dentists prefer not to take such long appointments-- If the patient doesn't show up, 3 hours just got wasted.Also, you can't just go to any dentist and tell them "I need a root canal" and expect them to do it right then and there. They need to evaluate the tooth for themselves first, then recommend a course of treatment for you.
It probably needs to be taken out and can't be saved, and mostly it is because of their tight schedule.
Why can't the dentist pull a tooth if it's infected?
Dr. C.W. was partially right..The infection changes the pH of the surrounding area, making the anesthetic not as effective..However, there is a great amount of debate about infected wisdom teeth. Some people feel that an infection will be pushed back into an artery when giving the injection for anesthetic, leading it straight to the vascular system. Therefore, antibiotics are used to decrease this effect. You CAN pull a tooth if it is needed...but it is better to wait a couple days and let the infection go down a little bit.
Because the infection fights off the anesthetic making it a very unpleasant experience for you. Much easier if the the infection is gone.
one) either the infection has a risk of spreading to the bone if pulled without treatment
two) the infection could counteract the anistetic and it would be a horrible experience for you
Because the infection can get out and spread through out your whole body and make you deathly ill. It is better to take ALL of the antibiotic and then have it pulled
As a dentist I can tell you that an infected tooth is nothing to play around with as the infection can spread very easily. The tooth will need to have antibiotics to help reduce the infection prior to extraction because the infection will prohibit the Lidocaine from actually numbing the area of the nerves of the tooth. Ericthedmd is very correct, the tooth can be pulled in an emergency situation, but it is best to give the antibiotics time to begin fighting the infection.
Why can't I keep my tooth?
I recently had a tooth pulled and my dentist wouldn't let me keep it. What is up with that? It's MY tooth after all!!
Thddspc is absolutely correct. As a dentist myself, my state considers extracted teeth to be bio hazardous waste and I am REQUIRED by law to dispose of the tooth as medical waste. If not done you can face fines and a possible loss of your dental license. A tooth IS considered soft tissue, thddspc is correct as the pulp inside the tooth IS considered to be soft tissue.
Technically, an extracted tooth is considered biohazardous material, and state law in most places requires it to be disposed as medical waste (in the same manner as other things taken out of the human body, like excised tumors, appendices, tonsils, etc.)..Some dentists do bend the rules and let the patient take the tooth home though.. Kids taking their teeth home to put under pillows to cash in with the tooth fairy is a time-honored tradition after all.. :-DEDIT TO ADD: to the poster below: Teeth do have soft tissue inside them (the pulp), some may have a nice coating of bacterial plaque or germ-infested calculus encrusted on them, plus most are bloody when extracted. That's why they are considered medical waste in most states.
paris hilton lost her teeth in jail
You should be able to keep your tooth. I worked in a surgical unit for 3 years and when we took gallstones out we gave them to the patient if they wanted them. A tooth shouldnt be considered biohazard because its not soft tissue like doing a adnoid/tonsillectomy. Your dentist or oral surgeon probably just allready throw the tooth away when you asked for it.
the answer you got from THSDD the first one is absolutely correct. Some dentist do bend the rules but what would you want it for anyway..you aren't going to use it anymore
That is odd he wouldnt let you cause you CAN keep your teeth if you ask. Next time demand they give it to you or tell them you wont come back to their office, you will find a new dentist.
I know you can keep your teeth because I was asked whether I wanted to keep my teeth and I said no (my wisdom teeth when they were taken out) and my brother did keep his teeth. My brother was given a tiny cute little tooth shaped container with the teeth put in it.
Maybe it depends on the state you live in (me, Massachusetts where we can keep teeth :) ). You should have made him explain WHY you couldnt keep them.
Thddspc is absolutely correct. As a dentist myself, my state considers extracted teeth to be bio hazardous waste and I am REQUIRED by law to dispose of the tooth as medical waste. If not done you can face fines and a possible loss of your dental license. A tooth IS considered soft tissue, thddspc is correct as the pulp inside the tooth IS considered to be soft tissue.
Technically, an extracted tooth is considered biohazardous material, and state law in most places requires it to be disposed as medical waste (in the same manner as other things taken out of the human body, like excised tumors, appendices, tonsils, etc.)..Some dentists do bend the rules and let the patient take the tooth home though.. Kids taking their teeth home to put under pillows to cash in with the tooth fairy is a time-honored tradition after all.. :-DEDIT TO ADD: to the poster below: Teeth do have soft tissue inside them (the pulp), some may have a nice coating of bacterial plaque or germ-infested calculus encrusted on them, plus most are bloody when extracted. That's why they are considered medical waste in most states.
paris hilton lost her teeth in jail
You should be able to keep your tooth. I worked in a surgical unit for 3 years and when we took gallstones out we gave them to the patient if they wanted them. A tooth shouldnt be considered biohazard because its not soft tissue like doing a adnoid/tonsillectomy. Your dentist or oral surgeon probably just allready throw the tooth away when you asked for it.
the answer you got from THSDD the first one is absolutely correct. Some dentist do bend the rules but what would you want it for anyway..you aren't going to use it anymore
That is odd he wouldnt let you cause you CAN keep your teeth if you ask. Next time demand they give it to you or tell them you wont come back to their office, you will find a new dentist.
I know you can keep your teeth because I was asked whether I wanted to keep my teeth and I said no (my wisdom teeth when they were taken out) and my brother did keep his teeth. My brother was given a tiny cute little tooth shaped container with the teeth put in it.
Maybe it depends on the state you live in (me, Massachusetts where we can keep teeth :) ). You should have made him explain WHY you couldnt keep them.
Why cant anyone understand me?
When I was younger I used to have crooked teeth now they are better but when I used to have crooked teeth I would talk without my teeth showing and no one can understand me. How do I talk showing my teeth, I try but its really hard because I've been used to talking this way for so many years. Im 16 by the way.
"just talk right"??? wth?? when you're sitting around in your room..just practice smiling and try saying your words with a bit of a smile to expose your teeth...use a mirror by the way when you do this and you can see your progress..GOOD LUCK!
Just talk right
Visit a voice/speech therapist. They can help you talk better. My brother visited one when he couldn't pronounce his "r's" and now he can.
You may want to consider going to see a speech therapist to help you re-learn the pronunciations of your words. Since this was the result of a dental problem, it's possible that your insurance may cover some or all of the cost. You might also check with a university if there's one within a reasonable distance of you. Speech therapy students have to practice (under the supervision of their instructors), so there's often a clinic where you can go for little or no cost. Good luck!
i know this may seem crazy, but go see a speach therapist.
they can teach you things you may not realize. they could also help you with your speech problem..good luck!!
This is something you have to do gradually because it won't come naturally to you overnight. The trick is to just try. I understand that you felt self-conscious back then but it's not so bad now, right?So just do it slowly.. but at the same time just speak the way you normally would without having to worry about your teeth. You could practice speaking your words out loud and clear so you don't sound as if you're mumbling.It doesn't have to be perfect, as long as people can understand you, then that's good enough.
I had the same problem, so embarassed by my teeth that I wouldn't even smile with my lips apart in case they were visable. Practice smiling while showing your teeth, and talking in front of a mirror, so you can see that even if it feels strange (at ther moment), it looks ok. If you keep doing this you will be able to convince yourself its OK, then you won't feel, even subconsicously, that its something you still have to do.
Try it it worked for me.
"just talk right"??? wth?? when you're sitting around in your room..just practice smiling and try saying your words with a bit of a smile to expose your teeth...use a mirror by the way when you do this and you can see your progress..GOOD LUCK!
Just talk right
Visit a voice/speech therapist. They can help you talk better. My brother visited one when he couldn't pronounce his "r's" and now he can.
You may want to consider going to see a speech therapist to help you re-learn the pronunciations of your words. Since this was the result of a dental problem, it's possible that your insurance may cover some or all of the cost. You might also check with a university if there's one within a reasonable distance of you. Speech therapy students have to practice (under the supervision of their instructors), so there's often a clinic where you can go for little or no cost. Good luck!
i know this may seem crazy, but go see a speach therapist.
they can teach you things you may not realize. they could also help you with your speech problem..good luck!!
This is something you have to do gradually because it won't come naturally to you overnight. The trick is to just try. I understand that you felt self-conscious back then but it's not so bad now, right?So just do it slowly.. but at the same time just speak the way you normally would without having to worry about your teeth. You could practice speaking your words out loud and clear so you don't sound as if you're mumbling.It doesn't have to be perfect, as long as people can understand you, then that's good enough.
I had the same problem, so embarassed by my teeth that I wouldn't even smile with my lips apart in case they were visable. Practice smiling while showing your teeth, and talking in front of a mirror, so you can see that even if it feels strange (at ther moment), it looks ok. If you keep doing this you will be able to convince yourself its OK, then you won't feel, even subconsicously, that its something you still have to do.
Try it it worked for me.
Why between my two front tooth have a gap & is getting wider?
Why between my two front tooth have a gap %26 is getting wider?
1. How much does it cost to go to a dentist to mend it?(teenager)
2.Why is it getting wider?
Gaps are common in people who have 1.%26gt; prominent interdental papilla (the gum tissue between the two front teeth), 2.%26gt; when permanent teeth are still coming out and not all of them are in yet, 3.%26gt; when teenagers are still growing bec the jaws are growing along with the whole body.It may or may not go away after reaching the peak of puberty (meaning the growth spurt). If it doesn't go away after all permanent teeth are in, then that is the best time to seek a dentist's advice whether you may need braces to close the gap, or just use bonded restorations, where composite fillings or resins are used to fill the gap and make your two front teeth a little wider than they are but with the right contour and proportion to make them look real. Or you might be referred to an oral surgeon if the prominent papilla has to be surgically removed.
So, it all depends on the factors just mentioned. It will take a professional to discern which way to go, so best advice for you is to seek professional care. The cost to repair will depend on the cause of the gap. The only reason why it gets bigger is because you are still progressively growing.
Your teeth shift as you grow older so the gap is getting wider now. Just see your dentist to ask what he recommends for treatment.
go to the dentist and make an appt. theyll do something
1. it'll probably cost a lot of money. depends on which dentist you go to.
2. because, your a teenager; and your teeth are still developing.
This is called a Diastima. It is very common. The size of the gap differs among people. Orthodontics may correct this problem, but depending on how thick the papilla tissue is between those teeth, gum surgery may be needed to reduce the tissue or a small wire placed behind the teeth may be necessary to keep the space closed (this is after the orthodontics is completed). As you age if you clench or grind your teeth, the space can increase due to the force moving the teeth apart. Periodontal disease causes a reduction of bone support around teeth. The less bone, the easier the tooth can be moved. Orthodontics is expensive and varies in cost throughout the states. You can expect to pay approximately $5000 or more these days.
There are many reasons for your teeth to show this "gap" you mention. It shouldnt be getting any wider now so you should visit a dentist and have an x-ray done for him to know if everything is normal. There are some cases in which a supernumerary tooth called mesiodens is found between your incisives, in this case it should be taken out through surgery. Another chance may be that there is a lesion growing inyour maxilla and its causing your teeth to separate. To make it short, just go to a dentist and let him know about your concern, thats the best you can do.
It is the way your teeth are growing in.
1. How much does it cost to go to a dentist to mend it?(teenager)
2.Why is it getting wider?
Gaps are common in people who have 1.%26gt; prominent interdental papilla (the gum tissue between the two front teeth), 2.%26gt; when permanent teeth are still coming out and not all of them are in yet, 3.%26gt; when teenagers are still growing bec the jaws are growing along with the whole body.It may or may not go away after reaching the peak of puberty (meaning the growth spurt). If it doesn't go away after all permanent teeth are in, then that is the best time to seek a dentist's advice whether you may need braces to close the gap, or just use bonded restorations, where composite fillings or resins are used to fill the gap and make your two front teeth a little wider than they are but with the right contour and proportion to make them look real. Or you might be referred to an oral surgeon if the prominent papilla has to be surgically removed.
So, it all depends on the factors just mentioned. It will take a professional to discern which way to go, so best advice for you is to seek professional care. The cost to repair will depend on the cause of the gap. The only reason why it gets bigger is because you are still progressively growing.
Your teeth shift as you grow older so the gap is getting wider now. Just see your dentist to ask what he recommends for treatment.
go to the dentist and make an appt. theyll do something
1. it'll probably cost a lot of money. depends on which dentist you go to.
2. because, your a teenager; and your teeth are still developing.
This is called a Diastima. It is very common. The size of the gap differs among people. Orthodontics may correct this problem, but depending on how thick the papilla tissue is between those teeth, gum surgery may be needed to reduce the tissue or a small wire placed behind the teeth may be necessary to keep the space closed (this is after the orthodontics is completed). As you age if you clench or grind your teeth, the space can increase due to the force moving the teeth apart. Periodontal disease causes a reduction of bone support around teeth. The less bone, the easier the tooth can be moved. Orthodontics is expensive and varies in cost throughout the states. You can expect to pay approximately $5000 or more these days.
There are many reasons for your teeth to show this "gap" you mention. It shouldnt be getting any wider now so you should visit a dentist and have an x-ray done for him to know if everything is normal. There are some cases in which a supernumerary tooth called mesiodens is found between your incisives, in this case it should be taken out through surgery. Another chance may be that there is a lesion growing inyour maxilla and its causing your teeth to separate. To make it short, just go to a dentist and let him know about your concern, thats the best you can do.
It is the way your teeth are growing in.
Why aren't all of our teeth the same shape?
As a dentist I can tell you that each tooth has a different function and must be shaped different to work and do its job properly (IE: molars are used for chewing, and incisors for biting).
different teeth have different functions.
each type of tooth has a different job, and the shape helps it do what it needs to do.
Why are you a buck tooth bunny?
well I'm not I have perfect straight white teeth not like those ugly a ss buck tooth bunnies
because u mess with ur teeth when they grow
i had a dummy until i was 7 so that's why. I'm currently going through orthodontic treatment and my teeth are perfectly straight, getting them off in 2 months :)
because elmer fudd raped bugs bunny thats why people have buck teeth and they had liters of bucked tooth human babys .so next time you seen some person grinin at you with a long buck tooth....just remember blame elmer for that oneand by the way elmer isnt my dad and bugs isnt my mom so i odnt have buck teeth my dad was rick james
Why are some people afraid of the dentist ?
Some people just freak out when they meet one or even go to visit one. Some are not kids anymore. I just wonder ?
Hi,when I was younger,I'm 60 now,we used to be given gas for extractions and on one occasion I was given too much and was really poorly for days,I was very sick and the Doctor visited me every day.
The experience gave me a fear of the Dentist and even though I go for regular check ups I break out in a sweat and feel very apprehensive.
I know it is silly after all these years but I just can't help it and luckily my Dentist is very understanding and he told me I'm not his only patient with this fear.
because some people...like myself have had traumatic experiences as children with dentists.my primary school dentist was a butcher...aaahhhhh
I am one of those people, i don't know why its the sounds the smells, i get myself in a right state, but once i am there i am fine.The dentist is really patient!
I think they are just afraid of the dentist hitting a nerve, at least, that was always my problem.
Because we remember how barbaric they were,
its implanted in our old brains
Because sometimes, the dentist misses your teeth and drills the gums
hearing the high drilling noise is an immediate association to the pain of drilling
I'm not, because of my heart condition, anything involving bleeding gets done at the hospital and I'm put out like a light! nice bit of codeine for the pain afterwards as well!:-)
well,for some people the needle is the worst. for me just the thought of it is excruciating! It's hard to make myself go.
Maybe bad experience could cause the fear. Or watching some dumb horror movie. No really, It is all in their head. It could be the same as some one with a unrealistic fear of spiders. There is no real answer for that one. I know some one who wont go to one because one nearly killed him with Novocaine. so it can be merely some thing simple like that, to some thing you can't see. what ever the reason is, it can be a whole ray of things. Some fear the worse in every thing. Maybe afraid to here they got cancer, or maybe afraid they
need a tooth pulled. either way they just get afraid. I know people afraid of the doctor. Wont go when they are sick. Why remains to be seen,but ask some one some time and see what answer they give you. What are you afraid of and your reason you afraid of it. same thing for the person afraid of the dentist.
Well I am one of those people that are scared to death of a dentist. I am 50 years old. I used to not be, but a bad experience a couple of times has made me scared of them now. One bad experience was when I went in to have a tooth pulled out, the dentist broke the tooth off in my gum, she then went in after the root. She thought that she got it all, did more x-rays to make sure. Sewed my gum back up and sent me home. Two days later I thought that I had busted my stitches, so I went back. She sewed it backup again. Two days later, I thought the same thing again. This went on for about 2 weeks, all the while her gripping at me for eating solid foods until I healed. I was eating soft foods only. To make a long story short. She left part of the root in my gum and sewed it up in my gum, the root was what was cutting the stitches all the time. The root was removed later by yet another dentist and to make matters worse, I now have a hole in my gum that will be there for the rest of my life and she also busted my sinus pocket trying to get the root out of my gum which she never got out and then sewed it up with the root still in my gum. Do I need to say more as to why I am scared of a dentist? And on top of that, I am going today to get one pulled out. Been on antibiotics and pain killers for 4 days now getting ready for today. Once I get there, if they pull it today, I will be on gas to help me deal with what is about to happen. Plus the fact that I hate needles on top of that.No it is not all in my head. And another thing, I am also scared to death of spiders as well, lol.Well now you know why I am scared of a dentist. Some may have other reasons and I am sure they do. But this one was the worst one I had.
Some people had terrible experiences as childen. We had a mobile dentist when I was a child who struck the fear of god into every child there. They used to give you gas to put you out -urgh, I still remember the smell of that rubber mask. To this day I still need diazepam to get me through it.
i think there's more than one reason. people have a fear of having a drilling. some people only have a fear of needles. dentists needles sometimes have to go deeper than you'd expect
Usually bad experiences before. I know my mother had a horrible dentist when she was younger, and now is terrified of them.I've not had any bad experiences, but my current dentist is perfect so it helps if you have a kind/caring dentist. I was really scared, but using my current dentist I am no longer scared of them.
as a child i had 3 baby teeth taken out and the dentist forgot to jag me - no one believed me, several years later he lost his licence, as a teenager i would not go to dentist and several years later had dental hypnotherapy at the dental hospital where i got lots of work done - 20 odd years later i go to the dentist with no worries
I am one of the people that are terrified of a dentist %26 have no idea why.I have no fear of getting teeth out it is the dentist.
Hi,when I was younger,I'm 60 now,we used to be given gas for extractions and on one occasion I was given too much and was really poorly for days,I was very sick and the Doctor visited me every day.
The experience gave me a fear of the Dentist and even though I go for regular check ups I break out in a sweat and feel very apprehensive.
I know it is silly after all these years but I just can't help it and luckily my Dentist is very understanding and he told me I'm not his only patient with this fear.
because some people...like myself have had traumatic experiences as children with dentists.my primary school dentist was a butcher...aaahhhhh
I am one of those people, i don't know why its the sounds the smells, i get myself in a right state, but once i am there i am fine.The dentist is really patient!
I think they are just afraid of the dentist hitting a nerve, at least, that was always my problem.
Because we remember how barbaric they were,
its implanted in our old brains
Because sometimes, the dentist misses your teeth and drills the gums
hearing the high drilling noise is an immediate association to the pain of drilling
I'm not, because of my heart condition, anything involving bleeding gets done at the hospital and I'm put out like a light! nice bit of codeine for the pain afterwards as well!:-)
well,for some people the needle is the worst. for me just the thought of it is excruciating! It's hard to make myself go.
Maybe bad experience could cause the fear. Or watching some dumb horror movie. No really, It is all in their head. It could be the same as some one with a unrealistic fear of spiders. There is no real answer for that one. I know some one who wont go to one because one nearly killed him with Novocaine. so it can be merely some thing simple like that, to some thing you can't see. what ever the reason is, it can be a whole ray of things. Some fear the worse in every thing. Maybe afraid to here they got cancer, or maybe afraid they
need a tooth pulled. either way they just get afraid. I know people afraid of the doctor. Wont go when they are sick. Why remains to be seen,but ask some one some time and see what answer they give you. What are you afraid of and your reason you afraid of it. same thing for the person afraid of the dentist.
Well I am one of those people that are scared to death of a dentist. I am 50 years old. I used to not be, but a bad experience a couple of times has made me scared of them now. One bad experience was when I went in to have a tooth pulled out, the dentist broke the tooth off in my gum, she then went in after the root. She thought that she got it all, did more x-rays to make sure. Sewed my gum back up and sent me home. Two days later I thought that I had busted my stitches, so I went back. She sewed it backup again. Two days later, I thought the same thing again. This went on for about 2 weeks, all the while her gripping at me for eating solid foods until I healed. I was eating soft foods only. To make a long story short. She left part of the root in my gum and sewed it up in my gum, the root was what was cutting the stitches all the time. The root was removed later by yet another dentist and to make matters worse, I now have a hole in my gum that will be there for the rest of my life and she also busted my sinus pocket trying to get the root out of my gum which she never got out and then sewed it up with the root still in my gum. Do I need to say more as to why I am scared of a dentist? And on top of that, I am going today to get one pulled out. Been on antibiotics and pain killers for 4 days now getting ready for today. Once I get there, if they pull it today, I will be on gas to help me deal with what is about to happen. Plus the fact that I hate needles on top of that.No it is not all in my head. And another thing, I am also scared to death of spiders as well, lol.Well now you know why I am scared of a dentist. Some may have other reasons and I am sure they do. But this one was the worst one I had.
Some people had terrible experiences as childen. We had a mobile dentist when I was a child who struck the fear of god into every child there. They used to give you gas to put you out -urgh, I still remember the smell of that rubber mask. To this day I still need diazepam to get me through it.
i think there's more than one reason. people have a fear of having a drilling. some people only have a fear of needles. dentists needles sometimes have to go deeper than you'd expect
Usually bad experiences before. I know my mother had a horrible dentist when she was younger, and now is terrified of them.I've not had any bad experiences, but my current dentist is perfect so it helps if you have a kind/caring dentist. I was really scared, but using my current dentist I am no longer scared of them.
as a child i had 3 baby teeth taken out and the dentist forgot to jag me - no one believed me, several years later he lost his licence, as a teenager i would not go to dentist and several years later had dental hypnotherapy at the dental hospital where i got lots of work done - 20 odd years later i go to the dentist with no worries
I am one of the people that are terrified of a dentist %26 have no idea why.I have no fear of getting teeth out it is the dentist.
Why are my teeth not as white as they used to be?
They used to be lovely, but now i started to see them going yellow in colour. I brush twice a day and floss. I use a sensitive tooth paste. I dont smoke or drink tea or coffee. I drink juices. There not yellow as in tartar or plaque just the whole teeth are a beige colour. I dont think a scale and polish at the dentist would make them any cleaner looking would they? I have been taking anti biotics long term and i heard that that could be what is making them discolour.
well as u get older ur teeth r cumin in contact wiv mor foods mor n mor an all of them will add a lil bit 2 make ur teeth go yellow
but dnt let tht bova u because it happens to every 1 just stik to wot ur doin an brush ur teeth twice a day for 2-4mins if u wanted 2 u cud also try a different tooth paste maybe 1 that specilises in tooth witening,but if it is still exstreamly bovering you then you could maybe get ur teeth whitened gd luk an hope your teeth get better
it may be possible, if u want white teeth then hing should be done
Have you tried the whitening toothpastes with bicarb of soda? I find they are pretty good and pearl whitening drops.
I have heard from radio , after we brush our teeth the left over toothpaste we swallow can make our teeth yellow.
And yellowish bit teeth is more healthier than absolute white teeth.
It probably will be the anti-biotics. Unfortunately some medications do have these kinds of side effects. My mum had the same problem except it was worsened by the fact that she had to take a steroid inhaler aswell.
Try a gentle whitening toothpaste it may help a little, but unfortunately if you are taking the medication it might be while before you notice any real difference
Some types of antibiotics can do this to your teeth. Although a scale and polish at the dentist should remove it.
Ya it could br your anti biotics but one thing more you mentioned is that you drink juices.You know that almost every juice contain acids which could damage the outermost and protective layer of our teeth but only when you brush after drinking the. Day by day the surface of the teeth got weak and weak and the color of food we take starts dissolving into the white matter of the teeth which is present under the protective layer and the white turns to yellow and I agree to you that a direct treatment would be useless. So you should go to your dentist but on start just discuss and if he garuntee you have whatever he says but never waste your time and money.
Except this, this could be also some minor and hygenic problem with your blood.
Try brushing your teeth with just baking soda. Mom does that and her teeth are white. I am afraid that since you have been taking antibiotics for awhile that could be the reason that they are stained off white now. If so I don't think that anything is going to help.
Teeth whitening toothpastes are just a waste of money and you don't hear of anyone having any great success using them.Cut out tea and coffee, give up smoking, chew gum and most important take a trip to the dentist and let your dentist give you the best advice.Soon you'll have your pearly whites, it's just maintaing them that's the hard thing
well as u get older ur teeth r cumin in contact wiv mor foods mor n mor an all of them will add a lil bit 2 make ur teeth go yellow
but dnt let tht bova u because it happens to every 1 just stik to wot ur doin an brush ur teeth twice a day for 2-4mins if u wanted 2 u cud also try a different tooth paste maybe 1 that specilises in tooth witening,but if it is still exstreamly bovering you then you could maybe get ur teeth whitened gd luk an hope your teeth get better
it may be possible, if u want white teeth then hing should be done
Have you tried the whitening toothpastes with bicarb of soda? I find they are pretty good and pearl whitening drops.
I have heard from radio , after we brush our teeth the left over toothpaste we swallow can make our teeth yellow.
And yellowish bit teeth is more healthier than absolute white teeth.
It probably will be the anti-biotics. Unfortunately some medications do have these kinds of side effects. My mum had the same problem except it was worsened by the fact that she had to take a steroid inhaler aswell.
Try a gentle whitening toothpaste it may help a little, but unfortunately if you are taking the medication it might be while before you notice any real difference
Some types of antibiotics can do this to your teeth. Although a scale and polish at the dentist should remove it.
Ya it could br your anti biotics but one thing more you mentioned is that you drink juices.You know that almost every juice contain acids which could damage the outermost and protective layer of our teeth but only when you brush after drinking the. Day by day the surface of the teeth got weak and weak and the color of food we take starts dissolving into the white matter of the teeth which is present under the protective layer and the white turns to yellow and I agree to you that a direct treatment would be useless. So you should go to your dentist but on start just discuss and if he garuntee you have whatever he says but never waste your time and money.
Except this, this could be also some minor and hygenic problem with your blood.
Try brushing your teeth with just baking soda. Mom does that and her teeth are white. I am afraid that since you have been taking antibiotics for awhile that could be the reason that they are stained off white now. If so I don't think that anything is going to help.
Teeth whitening toothpastes are just a waste of money and you don't hear of anyone having any great success using them.Cut out tea and coffee, give up smoking, chew gum and most important take a trip to the dentist and let your dentist give you the best advice.Soon you'll have your pearly whites, it's just maintaing them that's the hard thing
Why are my gums white?
i bush my theeth all the time
you answered your own question.
healthy gums are white, not red.
But if they are white all the way up, and on the top and bottem, or if your lips lighten too I would tell your doctor. That happened to my cousin and her blood count was low and she had to go on meds. Now they tell her to look for that!
White gums are a sign of anemia. You should get your iron blood levels checked and I would go get vitamins with iron soon. Anemia can cause other problems.
you answered your own question.
healthy gums are white, not red.
But if they are white all the way up, and on the top and bottem, or if your lips lighten too I would tell your doctor. That happened to my cousin and her blood count was low and she had to go on meds. Now they tell her to look for that!
White gums are a sign of anemia. You should get your iron blood levels checked and I would go get vitamins with iron soon. Anemia can cause other problems.
Why are my gums covering part of my tooth?
I have a tooth growing in. I'm not sure if they're wisdom teeth or molars. Its growing in and part of it is covered by gums. It hurts. Why is it doing this and how can I fix this?
It sounds like you have an impacted tooth.You can read what that is here:
It sounds like you have an impacted tooth.You can read what that is here:
Why are dentistry seperate from other fields of medicine?
There is a medical specialty for every part of the body. Most of them have to go to medical school - except dentists, they go to dental school. Is it historical? What are the details of separation between these two fields?
It is mainly historical. Teeth were not as high of a priority as other parts of the body so they were often times just pulled.. by a barber. It has only been the past fifty years or so that we have had the technology to do so much with our teeth.
These days there exists a little bit of overlap between the two professions:Almost half of the oral surgery post-graduate programs in the United States right now are 6-year dual-degree programs. A dentist training to become an oral surgeon in one of these dual-degree programs will attend the 3rd and 4th years of medical school, and when they finish the OMFS program, they end up with two doctorates-- a DDS and an MD.Those guys are true brainiacs. :-o
It is mainly historical. Teeth were not as high of a priority as other parts of the body so they were often times just pulled.. by a barber. It has only been the past fifty years or so that we have had the technology to do so much with our teeth.
These days there exists a little bit of overlap between the two professions:Almost half of the oral surgery post-graduate programs in the United States right now are 6-year dual-degree programs. A dentist training to become an oral surgeon in one of these dual-degree programs will attend the 3rd and 4th years of medical school, and when they finish the OMFS program, they end up with two doctorates-- a DDS and an MD.Those guys are true brainiacs. :-o
Why are color braces cheaper?
just interested
color braces? when i got my braces we had the option of the silver, gold or clear. the most expensive was clear because they are harder to keep clear/maintain. gold was not to common and they were more expensive because they need different tools to keep maintained.
i guess cuz more people would want clear so they just make it more expensive since its more in demand or whatever you know? whats better is always more expensive
Because the clear ones are made of ceramic which is more expensive to make, the colored ones are just metal
Because clear braces are much harder to keep clean. I had braces for 4 years.
color braces? when i got my braces we had the option of the silver, gold or clear. the most expensive was clear because they are harder to keep clear/maintain. gold was not to common and they were more expensive because they need different tools to keep maintained.
i guess cuz more people would want clear so they just make it more expensive since its more in demand or whatever you know? whats better is always more expensive
Because the clear ones are made of ceramic which is more expensive to make, the colored ones are just metal
Because clear braces are much harder to keep clean. I had braces for 4 years.
Why am I still having pain in tooth after treatment?
I had a crown put on a tooth about a year ago after it got chipped. Now, I just had to have and endo go into the crown and do a root canal. He said it was a 3 canal channel or something. And was real inflamed. The pain was intense for 2 weeks going into headaches. Then when that pain let up the tooth started to be sensitive again. When i push my tongue down on it or touch the gum area or try to tap on that tooth it is very sensitive. What else could be going on?
Could be several things. Infection could still be present because all of debris has not been removed or they may another canal present. Whatever the case contact your dentist, don't wait for it to go away.
revisit your dentist!
Could be several things. Infection could still be present because all of debris has not been removed or they may another canal present. Whatever the case contact your dentist, don't wait for it to go away.
revisit your dentist!
Who's the best toothpaste brand out there?
you may laught but in fact it's ashes mixed with salt. that was the toothpaste they used before the invention of tooth past.
it is all natural and nurtures your teeth ;)
sure it tastes like crap but hey...it's organic.
seriosuly now i would prefer the tooth paste we use noadays and aquafresh deos it for me! ...althoufh sensident is also good!
i like colgate
I really love Listerine - it's blue and is sooooo fresh.
ToothSoapreason - I had 4 cavities (age 54) and 7 months after using ToothSoap went to dentist - and they were re-enameled!!!tothpaste has glycerin that prevents the calcium in your body from re-enameling your teethusing since May 2006 - dental appt was Jan 2007!
I get my tooth brush wet and get a bit of baking soda on it from a little jar in my bathroom with a lid on it and brush. Or I use arm and hammer baking soda tooth paste.
macleans white and shine - all the way i luv it
Who treats the dentist if the dentist gets a toothache?
ill tell u if u tell me who buries the undertaker :)
The assistants =).
His dentist DUH!! Its more than one dentist in the world u know!
A podiatrist...duh!
yuck yuck yuck...a dentist. (psssst they got more than one.)
Most likely a friend of theirs who went to school with them or lives in the same area. One they know won't hurt them or charge them..lol
Who owns the a patients dental xray? The patient or the dentist? Our dentist wants to charge me $50/copy.?
I go to the dentist, they xray me, I pay $150 for panoramic xrays. I want to get my dental records and they want me to pay $50. According to the dentist, they OWN the xrays. But I paid for them ?!
As a practicing dentist I can tell you that the dentist does in fact "own" your x-rays. What you paid for was to have the x-rays taken and processed and for the dentist to "read" the x-rays. We are required by law to keep a patients original dental x-rays on file in our office just as you would the patients dental records even if the patient switches to another dentist. You are allowed to request a copy of your records and x-rays at your own expense to cover all of the duplication charges, but the dentist is required to keep all originals by law.
Sorry, but the dentist sets the policy on this and there is nothing you can do about it.Next time, specify in advance that you want the Xrays and they probably won't give you a hassle. If they do, ask if they can't recommend a good dentist.
It costs a lot of money to copy them. They are huge pieces of film. They own the x-rays but you own the teeth (for now).
What you 'paid for' was the EXAM, and that 'includes the x-ray PROCESS, but the dentist 'owns the x-ray pictures' and MUST KEEP THEM FOREVER ... so yes, you must 'pay' a small price (relatively) for him to be able to 'make you copies' ... you CAN NOT GET the 'originals' even though you 'paid to have them made' since they are part of your 'dental record' that ALL DENTISTS MUST KEEP.
I have always been charged for the original plates.They own the film. In some states there is a limit on how much they can charge and $50.00 is usually the most. You can get a copy of your records for free in some states too. However, in other states the average is $10.00 charge for your records. If they won't give them up you can call an ambulance chaser sort of lawyer who will get a copy of our records at the least. He/She will also study the records to see if there are any liability issues. Doctors and Dentists absolutely hate when you even mention a lawyer though so I wouldn't feel safe going back to the same one after that. As a last resort it can get you your records. Everyone should keep their own copies of records these days.All doctors, labs, and clinics do not charge though. It might be cheaper to get the x-rays done again with a new dentist and negotiate the film into the package. Just explain why you want to keep your own records in the beginning. Some doctors have no problem with while others seem to not really want to give them up, but they are yours. It doesn't sound like you are very happy with this dentist, but it might not be too late to put on a smile and ask very kindly if they can come down on that price a little.
The information contained in your dental patient chart and x-rays belong to you (which is why the information cannot be released without your permission), but the dentist by law is required to keep the originals.You are entitled to receive a copy of your patient chart and x-rays when you request them, but you must pay for the duplication services. In no circumstances may the dentist surrender the originals to anyone except when ordered by a court, if the records are needed for legal proceedings.Hope this helps.
"thd's "answer above is absolutely accurate.
As a practicing dentist I can tell you that the dentist does in fact "own" your x-rays. What you paid for was to have the x-rays taken and processed and for the dentist to "read" the x-rays. We are required by law to keep a patients original dental x-rays on file in our office just as you would the patients dental records even if the patient switches to another dentist. You are allowed to request a copy of your records and x-rays at your own expense to cover all of the duplication charges, but the dentist is required to keep all originals by law.
Sorry, but the dentist sets the policy on this and there is nothing you can do about it.Next time, specify in advance that you want the Xrays and they probably won't give you a hassle. If they do, ask if they can't recommend a good dentist.
It costs a lot of money to copy them. They are huge pieces of film. They own the x-rays but you own the teeth (for now).
What you 'paid for' was the EXAM, and that 'includes the x-ray PROCESS, but the dentist 'owns the x-ray pictures' and MUST KEEP THEM FOREVER ... so yes, you must 'pay' a small price (relatively) for him to be able to 'make you copies' ... you CAN NOT GET the 'originals' even though you 'paid to have them made' since they are part of your 'dental record' that ALL DENTISTS MUST KEEP.
I have always been charged for the original plates.They own the film. In some states there is a limit on how much they can charge and $50.00 is usually the most. You can get a copy of your records for free in some states too. However, in other states the average is $10.00 charge for your records. If they won't give them up you can call an ambulance chaser sort of lawyer who will get a copy of our records at the least. He/She will also study the records to see if there are any liability issues. Doctors and Dentists absolutely hate when you even mention a lawyer though so I wouldn't feel safe going back to the same one after that. As a last resort it can get you your records. Everyone should keep their own copies of records these days.All doctors, labs, and clinics do not charge though. It might be cheaper to get the x-rays done again with a new dentist and negotiate the film into the package. Just explain why you want to keep your own records in the beginning. Some doctors have no problem with while others seem to not really want to give them up, but they are yours. It doesn't sound like you are very happy with this dentist, but it might not be too late to put on a smile and ask very kindly if they can come down on that price a little.
The information contained in your dental patient chart and x-rays belong to you (which is why the information cannot be released without your permission), but the dentist by law is required to keep the originals.You are entitled to receive a copy of your patient chart and x-rays when you request them, but you must pay for the duplication services. In no circumstances may the dentist surrender the originals to anyone except when ordered by a court, if the records are needed for legal proceedings.Hope this helps.
"thd's "answer above is absolutely accurate.
Who knows where i can get free plastic surgery (clinical trial, pro bono etc)?
if the need for surgery is due to trauma or birth defect, contact a local hospital or plastic surgeon. if it's for cosmetic purposes only, you need to pay for it.
nothing in life is free
From a resident who needs practice...
Who here hates braces?
i got them on all my teeth and they suck so much!
I had them too when I was younger. Yah, they were annoying! I had them for twice as long as the doctor had promised, they were a pain to clean, and I even ripped a wire out once just eating sour licorice. I had to go home from school with wires sticking out of my mouth. That being said, I had a beautiful smile when they took them off and those 4 years of frustrations seemed to be forgotten immediately. I still love my smile and don't regret my braces one bit. Hang in there, you will have a great smile soon enough!
I Do !!..
And They Cain Everytime When The Bar Gets Changed
I use to hate them before i got them lol! Before i got the braces i had horrible teeth, i did have the choice though whether to get them or not i choose to get as it would be best. Already after only 6 months of wearing the braces i can see a really big difference so it makes you happy that you can see the results happening.
aaahh its the most painful thing when you get em on, all you can eat is pudding and oatmeal!! i just got a powerchain added which pulls my teeth by the brackets together so i'm in pain all over again
Yep they suck.My teeth hurt. I can't bite anything. Chewing is painful. I go through wax like a hot knife through butter. I can't eat dry Oreo cereal. Cheetos are out. Popcorn's out. Babe Ruth candy bars - out.I think the thing I miss the most is biting my fingers. I have to use clippers to get rid of my hangnails!But on the flip side, I've only had them 2 months and I can seen an improvement already.My forlorn hope is that they grossly overestimated the length of time I'll need them. 18 months - bet I'm done in 3!
I had them too when I was younger. Yah, they were annoying! I had them for twice as long as the doctor had promised, they were a pain to clean, and I even ripped a wire out once just eating sour licorice. I had to go home from school with wires sticking out of my mouth. That being said, I had a beautiful smile when they took them off and those 4 years of frustrations seemed to be forgotten immediately. I still love my smile and don't regret my braces one bit. Hang in there, you will have a great smile soon enough!
I Do !!..
And They Cain Everytime When The Bar Gets Changed
I use to hate them before i got them lol! Before i got the braces i had horrible teeth, i did have the choice though whether to get them or not i choose to get as it would be best. Already after only 6 months of wearing the braces i can see a really big difference so it makes you happy that you can see the results happening.
aaahh its the most painful thing when you get em on, all you can eat is pudding and oatmeal!! i just got a powerchain added which pulls my teeth by the brackets together so i'm in pain all over again
Yep they suck.My teeth hurt. I can't bite anything. Chewing is painful. I go through wax like a hot knife through butter. I can't eat dry Oreo cereal. Cheetos are out. Popcorn's out. Babe Ruth candy bars - out.I think the thing I miss the most is biting my fingers. I have to use clippers to get rid of my hangnails!But on the flip side, I've only had them 2 months and I can seen an improvement already.My forlorn hope is that they grossly overestimated the length of time I'll need them. 18 months - bet I'm done in 3!
Who doesn't like to go to the dentist.?
I hate the dentists but i still go.
If someone sayes they like the dentist I would find that very strange. I only like going to our dentist as there is a fab sweet shop next door and I always treat myself on the way home.
I can't see why people hate dentist?? its like going to optician really?? what is the difference??
i hate to go to the dentist even though i have pro gone over 30 times. i cant stand needles and i have sensitive teeth which can be sore when i go
Only go when i really have to.Don't like needles.
I hate it as well, I just hate metal and smelly rubber in my mouth :(
well i've never realy like dentists and to make it worse i just got braces and the optomitrist (or w/e) always jabs my mouth with a metal rod.so yes i hate the dentist's office
I don't mind. The only thing I don't like is that my face smells like rubber gloves for the rest of the day after I go.
I'm fine until I sit in the chair or hear the drill from the waiting room and then my stomach starts to churn. I have to put up with it and I always put on a brave face but inside I am a jibbering wreck.
Nothing is wrong with it I mean, you just lay there with your mouth open what is so bad about it.
I love my dentist but I don't like any dental or medical setting. The waiting around for the appt is much worse than when you actually are in the chair. =)
If someone sayes they like the dentist I would find that very strange. I only like going to our dentist as there is a fab sweet shop next door and I always treat myself on the way home.
I can't see why people hate dentist?? its like going to optician really?? what is the difference??
i hate to go to the dentist even though i have pro gone over 30 times. i cant stand needles and i have sensitive teeth which can be sore when i go
Only go when i really have to.Don't like needles.
I hate it as well, I just hate metal and smelly rubber in my mouth :(
well i've never realy like dentists and to make it worse i just got braces and the optomitrist (or w/e) always jabs my mouth with a metal rod.so yes i hate the dentist's office
I don't mind. The only thing I don't like is that my face smells like rubber gloves for the rest of the day after I go.
I'm fine until I sit in the chair or hear the drill from the waiting room and then my stomach starts to churn. I have to put up with it and I always put on a brave face but inside I am a jibbering wreck.
Nothing is wrong with it I mean, you just lay there with your mouth open what is so bad about it.
I love my dentist but I don't like any dental or medical setting. The waiting around for the appt is much worse than when you actually are in the chair. =)
Who buys the toothpaste you're using?
just curious. Will it be mummy, wife, yourself or whoever?
Whoever is in the store when we need it
little ole me
I always buy all products for the family. I'm the mom.
I buy myself because I am picky and don't like the taste of most toothpastes.
Me, I live by myself
I, myself.
I pick it out, my boyfriend/roomate buys it
Whoever is in the store when we need it
little ole me
I always buy all products for the family. I'm the mom.
I buy myself because I am picky and don't like the taste of most toothpastes.
Me, I live by myself
I, myself.
I pick it out, my boyfriend/roomate buys it
Who are some good dentists in utah valley?
You don't say what you have wrong. There are lots of specialties. But, if all you want is the "basics" this sounds like something I would try:http://www.co.utah.ut.us/news/deptnewsde...
Whitter teeth?? 10 points!!?
mkay do i have semi-white teeth but i want them to be GORGEOUSLY white!!
im going to high school next year and i want to look my best.
are there any kind of at home treatments i can do or do i have to use the strips and if i use the strips then which kind is better??
i honestly perfer at home treatments. :D
**10 points to the best answer!!
Crest whitening rinse...works well. Stop drinking cola or other tooth staining foods and drinks...brush every time you eat (like you would have to do if you had braces) Drink through a straw when possible. If you decide to go and buy a treatment use it according to the directions or you can end up with spots on your teeth. A peroxide rinse would help too, but not as well as the crest.
sand blast them.
there are tray at home treatments that you can buy at the store, but from everything I've read, the strips work better. I've used the original white strips, and they worked awesomely on my top teeth, but really hurt my bottom teeth and I couldn't use them. my dentist told me to use sensodyne for a few weeks first and try again, so if you have sensitive teeth, you may want to do that too.
there is whitening toothpaste if you don't want to use strips, because strips sometimes peel off when you don't want them to.
ok use an electric toothbrush like oral-B and crest white strips.gum or mints are just an added bonus to nice breath and whitening too
my mom uses this stuff made my suzan sommers and u put it on ur teeth once a day and after about a week ur teeth are white.go 2 hsn.com and type in suzan sommers products(idk if i spelled her name right) i think u can get them there.they also hav whitening caps that u put over ur teeth
if you can handle the taste, dip your brush in baking soda and scrub away. I try and keep my tongue out of the way and just scrub my teeth...and rinse with allot of water. along with that brush with whitening tooth paste as well as get the "whitening pre-brushing mouth rinse". All of that should give you a sparkling smile!
I think the crest whitening strips work wonders, I've seen my friends do them. I don't know if there's a difference between the brands, so can't help you on that.However, (this most likely won't help you fast enough but) I am *positive* that eating strawberries is one of the natural ways to whitening your teeth. Just like how coffee and smoking stain, strawberries whiten! Lemon juice might help too, but I haven't heard much about that. BTW, this will most likely take a longer period of time in order to see results...unless you eat strawberries everyday.
People ask how I get my teeth so white, and I tell them I brush Three times a day and I brush behind my front teeth too, which really helps. I don't suggest using heavy bleaches as they will, really, over time, reduce your enamel and make you more susceptible to acid wear, which is discoloring caused when juices, smoking, coffee or other dark, acidic foods deposit in little microscopic crevices in your teeth. Just be safe...When I ws younger, I used to take hydrogen peroxide and baking soda and mix it in with my regualr toothpaste in a little cup and dipped my brush in it, this really helps. Don't use just plain hydrogen peroxide and baking soda without toothpaste, because it tastes really bad. I hope this helps.
There are so many "at home" treatments that promise results, but most of them never do. I can highly recommend a few products to you.These first 2 products work great and are affordable.Rembrandt Premium Whitening Toothpaste: $7.00Rembrandt 2 Hour Whitening Kit: $15.00Both of those can be purchased at Target stores.
These products are the ULTIMATE when it comes to whitening at home.Go Smile Star Treatment:Whitening Ampoules
Daily Touch up Ampoules
AM Whitening Protection Toothpaste
PM Whitening Protection Toothpastehttp://www.blissworld.com/ orhttp://www.gosmiledirect.com
I have used many, many of the whitening products on the market. Quite honestly, who has the time to use those awful strips, twice a day for 2 weeks? The products that I recommended to you are premium products that will give you lightening fast results. I have had my teeth zoom whitened and I paid about $700.00 - I have been able to keep them white using the above referenced products for over a year. I highly suggest that you try the 2 Rembrandt products first and if you still need that final whitening shade, purchase a go smile kit.. They have several available!Good luck and I hope that I was helpful. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!Take Care!
To get really white teeth, I suggest you go to your local dentist and have him bleach your teeth. If you don't want to go that route, I would suggest that you brush and floss your teeth on a regular basis. If bleaching is not on the agenda for you, I would suggest that you brush your teeth with salt and bacon soda. You can also use white strips to get a nice white color for your teeth. Good luck to you!
Try crest white strips..or zoom whitning at your dentist..it costs about 250 dollars..but you'll get up to 8 shades in no time! good luck!
Crest strips are great. I've been using them for 4 years, coffee drinker, and they work great. I use them about every year or so. The key is to go through the entire system as directed to get max results. The Classic or Renewal line works great. The Premium line didn't work so good on me but everyone's different. The Premium line does take shorter time though, you wear them for 7 or 10 days. The Classic 14 days. And Renewal 10 day. I find the Renewal lifts deep stains (claims to remove up to 20 years of stains) but the Classic gave me longer lasting results. Any one of these, you wear for 30 mins a day, twice a day. It may cause some sensitivity. To decrease some of it, don't brush before use, wear the top/bottom separately, skip a day or allow more time in between each set. Like instead of wearing them back to back, wear a set in the morning and at night. There's also Crest Multicare, which gradually whitens your teeth. It takes 5 mins a day. I've also used the Rembrant whitening strips but no results for me. But my friend has used it and it works good. It's on sale on Amazon for under $10. Some dentists offer Crest Supreme too. I'm on that now. It has higher whitening ingredients and larger strips. While on any strips, avoid coffee, soda, tea, smoking, or dark drinks. Or rinse after. I use a whitening toothpaste like Colgate Total whitening or Rembrant whitening (pricey though) to prolong the results. Good luck!
im going to high school next year and i want to look my best.
are there any kind of at home treatments i can do or do i have to use the strips and if i use the strips then which kind is better??
i honestly perfer at home treatments. :D
**10 points to the best answer!!
Crest whitening rinse...works well. Stop drinking cola or other tooth staining foods and drinks...brush every time you eat (like you would have to do if you had braces) Drink through a straw when possible. If you decide to go and buy a treatment use it according to the directions or you can end up with spots on your teeth. A peroxide rinse would help too, but not as well as the crest.
sand blast them.
there are tray at home treatments that you can buy at the store, but from everything I've read, the strips work better. I've used the original white strips, and they worked awesomely on my top teeth, but really hurt my bottom teeth and I couldn't use them. my dentist told me to use sensodyne for a few weeks first and try again, so if you have sensitive teeth, you may want to do that too.
there is whitening toothpaste if you don't want to use strips, because strips sometimes peel off when you don't want them to.
ok use an electric toothbrush like oral-B and crest white strips.gum or mints are just an added bonus to nice breath and whitening too
my mom uses this stuff made my suzan sommers and u put it on ur teeth once a day and after about a week ur teeth are white.go 2 hsn.com and type in suzan sommers products(idk if i spelled her name right) i think u can get them there.they also hav whitening caps that u put over ur teeth
if you can handle the taste, dip your brush in baking soda and scrub away. I try and keep my tongue out of the way and just scrub my teeth...and rinse with allot of water. along with that brush with whitening tooth paste as well as get the "whitening pre-brushing mouth rinse". All of that should give you a sparkling smile!
I think the crest whitening strips work wonders, I've seen my friends do them. I don't know if there's a difference between the brands, so can't help you on that.However, (this most likely won't help you fast enough but) I am *positive* that eating strawberries is one of the natural ways to whitening your teeth. Just like how coffee and smoking stain, strawberries whiten! Lemon juice might help too, but I haven't heard much about that. BTW, this will most likely take a longer period of time in order to see results...unless you eat strawberries everyday.
People ask how I get my teeth so white, and I tell them I brush Three times a day and I brush behind my front teeth too, which really helps. I don't suggest using heavy bleaches as they will, really, over time, reduce your enamel and make you more susceptible to acid wear, which is discoloring caused when juices, smoking, coffee or other dark, acidic foods deposit in little microscopic crevices in your teeth. Just be safe...When I ws younger, I used to take hydrogen peroxide and baking soda and mix it in with my regualr toothpaste in a little cup and dipped my brush in it, this really helps. Don't use just plain hydrogen peroxide and baking soda without toothpaste, because it tastes really bad. I hope this helps.
There are so many "at home" treatments that promise results, but most of them never do. I can highly recommend a few products to you.These first 2 products work great and are affordable.Rembrandt Premium Whitening Toothpaste: $7.00Rembrandt 2 Hour Whitening Kit: $15.00Both of those can be purchased at Target stores.
These products are the ULTIMATE when it comes to whitening at home.Go Smile Star Treatment:Whitening Ampoules
Daily Touch up Ampoules
AM Whitening Protection Toothpaste
PM Whitening Protection Toothpastehttp://www.blissworld.com/ orhttp://www.gosmiledirect.com
I have used many, many of the whitening products on the market. Quite honestly, who has the time to use those awful strips, twice a day for 2 weeks? The products that I recommended to you are premium products that will give you lightening fast results. I have had my teeth zoom whitened and I paid about $700.00 - I have been able to keep them white using the above referenced products for over a year. I highly suggest that you try the 2 Rembrandt products first and if you still need that final whitening shade, purchase a go smile kit.. They have several available!Good luck and I hope that I was helpful. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!Take Care!
To get really white teeth, I suggest you go to your local dentist and have him bleach your teeth. If you don't want to go that route, I would suggest that you brush and floss your teeth on a regular basis. If bleaching is not on the agenda for you, I would suggest that you brush your teeth with salt and bacon soda. You can also use white strips to get a nice white color for your teeth. Good luck to you!
Try crest white strips..or zoom whitning at your dentist..it costs about 250 dollars..but you'll get up to 8 shades in no time! good luck!
Crest strips are great. I've been using them for 4 years, coffee drinker, and they work great. I use them about every year or so. The key is to go through the entire system as directed to get max results. The Classic or Renewal line works great. The Premium line didn't work so good on me but everyone's different. The Premium line does take shorter time though, you wear them for 7 or 10 days. The Classic 14 days. And Renewal 10 day. I find the Renewal lifts deep stains (claims to remove up to 20 years of stains) but the Classic gave me longer lasting results. Any one of these, you wear for 30 mins a day, twice a day. It may cause some sensitivity. To decrease some of it, don't brush before use, wear the top/bottom separately, skip a day or allow more time in between each set. Like instead of wearing them back to back, wear a set in the morning and at night. There's also Crest Multicare, which gradually whitens your teeth. It takes 5 mins a day. I've also used the Rembrant whitening strips but no results for me. But my friend has used it and it works good. It's on sale on Amazon for under $10. Some dentists offer Crest Supreme too. I'm on that now. It has higher whitening ingredients and larger strips. While on any strips, avoid coffee, soda, tea, smoking, or dark drinks. Or rinse after. I use a whitening toothpaste like Colgate Total whitening or Rembrant whitening (pricey though) to prolong the results. Good luck!
Whiter Teeth.?
What are some ways to whiten teeth naturally? I heard that eating apples helps..any others? I am also using white strips. Thanks!
Well I don't know what you can eat but I know what you can avoid: Sodas, Coffee, Candy, anything "acidy".You could also chew bark like the Indians did :)
Put *** On Your Teeth...
No Joke.
I read about apples too. Something I read recently (for the life of me, I can't remember what, I wanted to read it again) talked about different fruits had "stuff" in them that naturally "cleans and whitens the teeth." See if you can do a search for that subject. Don't drink sodas or coffee if you want them white though. Or smoke. (From experience.)
I found lots of good information here.
Well I don't know what you can eat but I know what you can avoid: Sodas, Coffee, Candy, anything "acidy".You could also chew bark like the Indians did :)
Put *** On Your Teeth...
No Joke.
I read about apples too. Something I read recently (for the life of me, I can't remember what, I wanted to read it again) talked about different fruits had "stuff" in them that naturally "cleans and whitens the teeth." See if you can do a search for that subject. Don't drink sodas or coffee if you want them white though. Or smoke. (From experience.)
I found lots of good information here.
Whitening teeth.?
what are good products for whitening teeth, after braces come off, that isent expensive?
The least expensive way to whiten teeth is brushing with baking soda. Keep the toothbrush moist and cover about one quarter of the brush with the baking soda. This may have to be repeated during one brushing. Do this once a day every other day and gradually your teeth will whiten to their fullest potential.
Baking soda is the prime ingredient in whitening toothpastes.
you could go the a drugstore like rite aid, walgreens, etc
they have good ones for teeth whitening
like crest whitestrips premium a little pricey though good luck
get crest whitening mouthwash . it worked for me
i used 7-day dissolvable whitening strips from rite aid (rite aid brand). they worked pretty well for me. i haven't used any other whitening products though, so i don't have anything to compare them to. good luck ;)
The least expensive way to whiten teeth is brushing with baking soda. Keep the toothbrush moist and cover about one quarter of the brush with the baking soda. This may have to be repeated during one brushing. Do this once a day every other day and gradually your teeth will whiten to their fullest potential.
Baking soda is the prime ingredient in whitening toothpastes.
you could go the a drugstore like rite aid, walgreens, etc
they have good ones for teeth whitening
like crest whitestrips premium a little pricey though good luck
get crest whitening mouthwash . it worked for me
i used 7-day dissolvable whitening strips from rite aid (rite aid brand). they worked pretty well for me. i haven't used any other whitening products though, so i don't have anything to compare them to. good luck ;)
Whitening teeth(at home )?
what can help by whitenin toothpaste(at home).like put something in there, i dont want a big list of ingredient just somthing simple!!..but that works
After you brush, try baking soda it really helps.
The best thing you can do is brush thoroughly morning, noon, and night - sometimes in the mid-afternoon if you're feeling the junk on your teeth.
Getting sun will help whiten your teeth. Spend time outside, but be sure to use sunscreen. Sun won't damage your teeth like it will damage your skin - and it's free.
I saw a dentist give this "recipe" for home tooth whitening on a morning tv news show:
Mix equal parts (1tablespoon each) hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. Brush like you normally would, but leave in your mouth for a few minutes.
Your teeth should shine, according to this dentist.
Basically, it has a rougher ingredient placed in it to help polish off more of the stuff that is on your teeth like coffee, etc.
That is basically what is in the prophy paste dental hygienists use to polish stains off at the dental office.
the crest whiting strips helped me
Depends on the age.. Younger people have a better chance to get a faster result. As you get older your teeth change color and usually will only go a shade lighter than they currently are... I tried all the things at home and then had to get more advise.. Not worth doing unless you get the fake crap the stars have..
try crest whitestrips.
it says leave it on for 30 minutes, but i suggest leaving it on overnight. it doesnt remove too much enamel and you wake up with a beautiful smile!hope i helped!
toothpaste just breaks up the surface stains. The peroxide in these pastes doesn't spend enough time on your teeth to do a whole lot for the internal staining. My dentist made whitening trays for me and they work great.
After you brush, try baking soda it really helps.
The best thing you can do is brush thoroughly morning, noon, and night - sometimes in the mid-afternoon if you're feeling the junk on your teeth.
Getting sun will help whiten your teeth. Spend time outside, but be sure to use sunscreen. Sun won't damage your teeth like it will damage your skin - and it's free.
I saw a dentist give this "recipe" for home tooth whitening on a morning tv news show:
Mix equal parts (1tablespoon each) hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. Brush like you normally would, but leave in your mouth for a few minutes.
Your teeth should shine, according to this dentist.
Basically, it has a rougher ingredient placed in it to help polish off more of the stuff that is on your teeth like coffee, etc.
That is basically what is in the prophy paste dental hygienists use to polish stains off at the dental office.
the crest whiting strips helped me
Depends on the age.. Younger people have a better chance to get a faster result. As you get older your teeth change color and usually will only go a shade lighter than they currently are... I tried all the things at home and then had to get more advise.. Not worth doing unless you get the fake crap the stars have..
try crest whitestrips.
it says leave it on for 30 minutes, but i suggest leaving it on overnight. it doesnt remove too much enamel and you wake up with a beautiful smile!hope i helped!
toothpaste just breaks up the surface stains. The peroxide in these pastes doesn't spend enough time on your teeth to do a whole lot for the internal staining. My dentist made whitening trays for me and they work great.
Whitening teeth products?
Ok you see i am missing 1 of my front teeth and it will never grow back. I have a retainer rite now before a get implants with a fake tooth on it. I want to use a whitening toothpaste but wat will whiteen my fake tooth on my retainer? Thanks so much!鈾?!-- Question-to-best answer
the fake tooth was made to match your others. nothing will whiten it. sorry.
Strawberry contains an natural tooth whitener. More info at http://www.aches.in/toothwhitening.html...
the fake tooth was made to match your others. nothing will whiten it. sorry.
Strawberry contains an natural tooth whitener. More info at http://www.aches.in/toothwhitening.html...
Whitening Product.?
I know about the tooth whitening strips, but I saw a ad about something that looks kind of like a mouth gaurd that you slip over your teeth during the day (and you cant notice it) so that way you can whiten your teeth during the day. Does anyone know the name of the product?
It's aqua fresh whitening trays...they are better than the strips. Cost more too. 35 bucks is what I spent and that only gives you a weeks worth. But, they work great.
Aquafresh whitening trays?
Or whitening trays from a dentist?
It's aqua fresh whitening trays...they are better than the strips. Cost more too. 35 bucks is what I spent and that only gives you a weeks worth. But, they work great.
Aquafresh whitening trays?
Or whitening trays from a dentist?
Whitening of teeth?
I've heard that if you have implants or bridges ( in the front of your mouth ) that it is not good to have the whitening process ( from the dentist or over the counter ) done, due to the implant or bridge will not change in color. Is this correct ?? If not, what do you think would work ?
Yes this is correct. Only your natural enamel will change color. Its not bad for you to do this, it will make the bridge, implant or any other prosthetics stand out. That is why a patient should always be give the option to whiten prior to the crown, bridge, implant, restoration being placed.
Unfortunately, nothing will work :(
You would be correct, only your natural teeth will whiten.
JAMRDH - a dental hygienist
Yes this is correct. Only your natural enamel will change color. Its not bad for you to do this, it will make the bridge, implant or any other prosthetics stand out. That is why a patient should always be give the option to whiten prior to the crown, bridge, implant, restoration being placed.
Unfortunately, nothing will work :(
You would be correct, only your natural teeth will whiten.
JAMRDH - a dental hygienist
Whitened Gums?
I got my teeth whitened and my gums actually got whitened with it. What do I do now? How do I get rid of white gums?
wat da? brush again
Ha, I don't know, that's funny. With vanity comes idiotness!
First off, don't worry. Peroxide can and does bleach any surface it come into contact with...even finger tips. Your gingiva should return to normal within the week as new cells generate. One possible (temporary) side effect is that of hypersensitivity from the whitening treatment. I recommend 600mg of Advil to prevent pain. Enjoy your new whiter smile!
Since it's been six days after you posted the question...have your gums gone closer back to their normal color since then?
you should speak to a dentist this could be something else
wat da? brush again
Ha, I don't know, that's funny. With vanity comes idiotness!
First off, don't worry. Peroxide can and does bleach any surface it come into contact with...even finger tips. Your gingiva should return to normal within the week as new cells generate. One possible (temporary) side effect is that of hypersensitivity from the whitening treatment. I recommend 600mg of Advil to prevent pain. Enjoy your new whiter smile!
Since it's been six days after you posted the question...have your gums gone closer back to their normal color since then?
you should speak to a dentist this could be something else
White spots on teeth?
I have these white spots on my two front teeth. They are whiter than all of my other teeth. They have been there for a while like a year or so. Sometimes they are less visible, sometimes not there, and most of the time more visible. What is this and how can I get them away for good? thanks.
First of all, I highly doubt it is fluorosis. Fluorosis occurs when the enamel (outer portion of the tooth) is formed.(Which is when you still have your baby teeth). Secondly, fluorosis does not "come and go."
If you have allergies, or breathe through your mouth constantly, the front teeth can get severely dehydrated. A persons saliva (spit) is a protective lubricant. As gross as that may sound, its true, its what they taught us in school.
Try drinking plenty of water to keep the saliva flowing, or chewing gum. Better yet, try keeping your mouth closed for longer periods and see if that does not help.
I can not believe a dental hygienist would even suggest that this could possibly be fluorosis!Fluorosis does not "just" appear out of no where. And it certainly does not become visible one day, gone the next. It is a PERMANENT change in the color of the enamel.
Yes, possibly decalcification.
i have the same thing and its calcifying that means that your teeth are rotting
Usually this is a fluorosis spot caused by excess fluoride ingestion at some point (usually from swallowing to much toothpaste when you were small and these teeth were forming). The excess fluoride get incorporated in the enamel and makes those white spots. Usually they will always be there. The only thing that sometimes helps is professional paint on whitening in the dental office. They paint the whitening agent on and can paint around these white spots to help even the color out. Just whitening makes those spots whiter. The good news is your teeth are good and strong in that area b/c of the fluoride.
Sometimes it is caused by an excess of flouride.
Evaluate your flouride use and check with your dentist.
Good Luck!
You can try professional bleaching at your dental office. They can try to match your teeth to the white spots. If this is unsuccessful you could have your teeth veneered. The dentist shaves the front surface off of your teeth and applies new front surfaces which are created in a lab and glued permanently into place. All models and famous people have their teeth veneered for that "perfect" look. Short of these expensive suggestions there really isn't much that you can do. Ask your dentist if he/she would be interested in helping you with this and let them know how much it bothers you. Perhaps an arrangement could be made...professional bleaching, I feel, is your best bet.
This can be fluorosis...OR something called decalcification...either too much fluoride...or enamel breaking down from sugars/food...which will make teeth have white chalky marks...which is the start of teeth breaking down.if they look/feel brittle...cut down on sugars/pop/double double coffee, etc, and keep them clean and they can remineralize and get stronger...or if it is caused by too much fluoride...bleaching helps/white filling material on the white spots(to match rest of teeth),,,or veneers.depends on what you want and how much money you want to spend...your dentist should go over these options...You can make them look fantastic!!Good luck
Knowing how old you are would make the diagnosis easier. Non-cavitated white spots on the anterior permanent teeth are most likely decalcifications due to poor oral hygiene, ie around brackets for braces. Fluorosis can appear as white spots but it would be more generalized. This would be a minor case of fluorosis.
First of all, I highly doubt it is fluorosis. Fluorosis occurs when the enamel (outer portion of the tooth) is formed.(Which is when you still have your baby teeth). Secondly, fluorosis does not "come and go."
If you have allergies, or breathe through your mouth constantly, the front teeth can get severely dehydrated. A persons saliva (spit) is a protective lubricant. As gross as that may sound, its true, its what they taught us in school.
Try drinking plenty of water to keep the saliva flowing, or chewing gum. Better yet, try keeping your mouth closed for longer periods and see if that does not help.
I can not believe a dental hygienist would even suggest that this could possibly be fluorosis!Fluorosis does not "just" appear out of no where. And it certainly does not become visible one day, gone the next. It is a PERMANENT change in the color of the enamel.
Yes, possibly decalcification.
i have the same thing and its calcifying that means that your teeth are rotting
Usually this is a fluorosis spot caused by excess fluoride ingestion at some point (usually from swallowing to much toothpaste when you were small and these teeth were forming). The excess fluoride get incorporated in the enamel and makes those white spots. Usually they will always be there. The only thing that sometimes helps is professional paint on whitening in the dental office. They paint the whitening agent on and can paint around these white spots to help even the color out. Just whitening makes those spots whiter. The good news is your teeth are good and strong in that area b/c of the fluoride.
Sometimes it is caused by an excess of flouride.
Evaluate your flouride use and check with your dentist.
Good Luck!
You can try professional bleaching at your dental office. They can try to match your teeth to the white spots. If this is unsuccessful you could have your teeth veneered. The dentist shaves the front surface off of your teeth and applies new front surfaces which are created in a lab and glued permanently into place. All models and famous people have their teeth veneered for that "perfect" look. Short of these expensive suggestions there really isn't much that you can do. Ask your dentist if he/she would be interested in helping you with this and let them know how much it bothers you. Perhaps an arrangement could be made...professional bleaching, I feel, is your best bet.
This can be fluorosis...OR something called decalcification...either too much fluoride...or enamel breaking down from sugars/food...which will make teeth have white chalky marks...which is the start of teeth breaking down.if they look/feel brittle...cut down on sugars/pop/double double coffee, etc, and keep them clean and they can remineralize and get stronger...or if it is caused by too much fluoride...bleaching helps/white filling material on the white spots(to match rest of teeth),,,or veneers.depends on what you want and how much money you want to spend...your dentist should go over these options...You can make them look fantastic!!Good luck
Knowing how old you are would make the diagnosis easier. Non-cavitated white spots on the anterior permanent teeth are most likely decalcifications due to poor oral hygiene, ie around brackets for braces. Fluorosis can appear as white spots but it would be more generalized. This would be a minor case of fluorosis.
White spot?
what to do to prevent white spot from transforming to cavity.
ive had flouride application 6mons ago ,is this enough..
and what about the color is it permenant..
A white spot is generally an area of de-calcification, and may be more likely to turn into a cavity. It is very common after removal of orthodontic appliances. While fluoride is great, I would ask your DDS for Prospec MI paste. This has bio-available Calcium and Phosphate, and will help to re-minerilize the teeth. Check it out at : http://www.gcamerica.com/mipaste.html...
If you last went 6 months ago you're due for another check up anyway. Maybe you should go and inquire about this with your dentist.
Best to make a trip to the dentist. I have a white spot from after taking my braces off. It lightens after time. But best to see a dentist to see what it is.
ive had flouride application 6mons ago ,is this enough..
and what about the color is it permenant..
A white spot is generally an area of de-calcification, and may be more likely to turn into a cavity. It is very common after removal of orthodontic appliances. While fluoride is great, I would ask your DDS for Prospec MI paste. This has bio-available Calcium and Phosphate, and will help to re-minerilize the teeth. Check it out at : http://www.gcamerica.com/mipaste.html...
If you last went 6 months ago you're due for another check up anyway. Maybe you should go and inquire about this with your dentist.
Best to make a trip to the dentist. I have a white spot from after taking my braces off. It lightens after time. But best to see a dentist to see what it is.
White pimple on my lower lip, that hurts a little, its very small just like a pimplem from cold, is it serious
thank you for any answers
Without seeing it is hard to tell. You do not get pimples from a cold so I am not sure what you are talking about. If you are referring to a cold sore then yes it could be a cold sore as that would hurt and tingle.
I dont think it is serious, wate a week and too see if its go way, if not see a Dr.
No, i get those once in a blue moon...use a clean wash cloth and gently pat it with hot water. Don't pay it any mind, it'll fade.
nope... don't worry about it
It is probably benign and you won't have to worry, if it is still on your lip after two weeks schedule an appointment with your dentist to check it out
if u have a pimple on the inner side of the lip then it might be a mouth ulcer..drs usually prescibe b-complex capsules 4 this..and it will go off after a a few days..if it still persists go see ur physician
Without seeing it is hard to tell. You do not get pimples from a cold so I am not sure what you are talking about. If you are referring to a cold sore then yes it could be a cold sore as that would hurt and tingle.
I dont think it is serious, wate a week and too see if its go way, if not see a Dr.
No, i get those once in a blue moon...use a clean wash cloth and gently pat it with hot water. Don't pay it any mind, it'll fade.
nope... don't worry about it
It is probably benign and you won't have to worry, if it is still on your lip after two weeks schedule an appointment with your dentist to check it out
if u have a pimple on the inner side of the lip then it might be a mouth ulcer..drs usually prescibe b-complex capsules 4 this..and it will go off after a a few days..if it still persists go see ur physician
White patches inside mouth from lip biting?
Yes, this will happen. If you can stop biting your lip and that will end that. Chew gum,
its not bad. unless they are oozing stuff, that just happens when you bite your lip
Sometimes, it's very difficult to get away from habits. If it is lip biting, you should have it on your lips. You might develop a mucocoele( from constant trauma) If, it is white patches inside the mouth, it is something else. You might be developing some kind of virus or canker sores. Try to gargle, lukewarm salt water 3 a day. If it gets worst each day, you might want to see a dentist.
sure you are biting yourself. Its skin tying to grow back, try to stop it, it's not good for your teeth also.
White marks on front teeth?
I get white marks on my two front teeth. they come at times during the day and stay for several hours, some days i dont get them and they can be more noticable some days then others. I have had these for a few years now. I have asked my dentist but he said that he has never heard of this before. I can't possibly be the only person who gets this am i??! can anybody help?!
White lines in teeth can be caused by various factors. Many times they form when the teeth are developing and could be from medications, extra flouride exposure, and/or illness during this time. There are a few things that may cause these lines to appear after the teeth are in the mouth. An example is something called decalcification, where parts of the enamel become less mineralized. This is usually the result of plaque left on teeth for long periods of time and is the very early stages of cavity formation. These conditions are all permanantly part of the teeth.Regarding your observation that these lines seem to come and go from day to day... I have not heard of any conditions that creates lines on teeth that come and go, unless it is actually debris on the teeth that needs to be brushed off with your toothbrush. However, if these lines in your teeth are permanent then they may just seem to come and go. Moisture on the teeth can change the appearance of teeth. Do you happen to breath through your mouth during the day or at night? When people "mouth-breath" or have their mouth open for long periods of time, the front teeth will dry slightly and this causes the teeth to appear more white. White lines on the teeth will also appear more white and/or almost chalky in appearance compared to the surrounding tooth structure.I would not be concerned that something is wrong with your teeth as long as you are brushing and flossing as regularly as you should be. If you are concerned with they way your teeth look you can ask your dentist about tooth colored resin filling material that is placed over the front of the teeth (called direct veneers) which usually doesn't require the teeth to be cut down too much, if at all.This is the best I could do without really seeing you in person.
Good luck.
I have the same thingover the course of time they just became permanent white markssorta like the lines on your fingernails.. only your teeth don't grow the lines outMost likely an indication of some medication you wer on or lack of vitamins, same kind things that cause lines on your fingernails
it's calcium build up.
my boyfriend has permenant white markes on the lower half of his two front teeth. i asked him what it was when we first started dating and he said it was calcium build up.
I can't remember what this is called...but i have the same thing. My dentist said it has to do with flouride. If you swallow toothpast or the water has alot of flouride in it...thats what is causing it.
White lines in teeth can be caused by various factors. Many times they form when the teeth are developing and could be from medications, extra flouride exposure, and/or illness during this time. There are a few things that may cause these lines to appear after the teeth are in the mouth. An example is something called decalcification, where parts of the enamel become less mineralized. This is usually the result of plaque left on teeth for long periods of time and is the very early stages of cavity formation. These conditions are all permanantly part of the teeth.Regarding your observation that these lines seem to come and go from day to day... I have not heard of any conditions that creates lines on teeth that come and go, unless it is actually debris on the teeth that needs to be brushed off with your toothbrush. However, if these lines in your teeth are permanent then they may just seem to come and go. Moisture on the teeth can change the appearance of teeth. Do you happen to breath through your mouth during the day or at night? When people "mouth-breath" or have their mouth open for long periods of time, the front teeth will dry slightly and this causes the teeth to appear more white. White lines on the teeth will also appear more white and/or almost chalky in appearance compared to the surrounding tooth structure.I would not be concerned that something is wrong with your teeth as long as you are brushing and flossing as regularly as you should be. If you are concerned with they way your teeth look you can ask your dentist about tooth colored resin filling material that is placed over the front of the teeth (called direct veneers) which usually doesn't require the teeth to be cut down too much, if at all.This is the best I could do without really seeing you in person.
Good luck.
I have the same thingover the course of time they just became permanent white markssorta like the lines on your fingernails.. only your teeth don't grow the lines outMost likely an indication of some medication you wer on or lack of vitamins, same kind things that cause lines on your fingernails
it's calcium build up.
my boyfriend has permenant white markes on the lower half of his two front teeth. i asked him what it was when we first started dating and he said it was calcium build up.
I can't remember what this is called...but i have the same thing. My dentist said it has to do with flouride. If you swallow toothpast or the water has alot of flouride in it...thats what is causing it.
White head on my gum?
Hi there.I am freaked out. I have a white head on my gum. The white thing, which is like a small ulser, is a little bit covering my front lower tooth ( I think it's called "lower right lateral" ). Every time I touch the area or eat on it, the tooth starts to bleed. The tooth has a tiny cavity spot on its corner, which is close to the gum. I tried to take a picture for the tooth, with every device i got, but the pictures didn't look good.I am really afraid because I have just came to the United States and I don't have any health insurance nor a job. I need your advice and what to do and where to go.Thank in advance.
sounds like syphilis. go to a free clinic
Put hydrogen peroxide on it and brush and floss 2x daily
It could be a canker sore and you can use Zylactin on that or something of that nature like Oral-B or anything for canker sores. If that doesn't heal it then you need to see a dentist to have it checked. You can look for a dental clinic that may charge lower fees. good luck.
I had that once. It was an abcess.
It could be a canker sore but you do have a cavity that you said is close to the gum so it sounds like you have an abcess. The cavity could be so deep that it has now gone into the nerve of the tooth and it is infected. The pimple is a way for the infection to drain so you would not have a tooth ache. If this is what is going on then you will need to have a root canal done in order to keep the tooth. I would go to the dentist and have them take a small x-ray of the tooth to make sure that your tooth is not infected.
i get ulcer spots in my mouth often and i use a great product called Omason made by Oral B. it can be purchased over the counter at most drug stores
you might have what is called a "fistula". this means the tooth has an infection and might possibly need a root canal. It might also start to drain on its own, which will relieve pressure inside and possibly not cause you any pain. You should see a dentist as soon as you can, and you may need an antibiotic too. you never want to walk around for any length of time with an infection in your mouth. in some rare cases, infections can travel to the brain. if going to the dentist is not a possiblity, you should go to the ER and have doc look at it. if it is a public hospital they cannot turn you away for lack of insurance or cash.
Well, i currently read that abscesses (they're like boils) can come up under your arms, on your legs and even on your gums. They are raised red bumps with pus in the middle that are sore. This could be what you have. What I read, said that usually you have to drain (pop, ewwww) the abscess for it to heal quicker by putting warm compresses on it to bring the pus to the surface of the skin. However, be careful or you will risk infection. What I read also said that a doctor may need to do it. I can't see this being too expensive, so you might be able to do it without insurance if you have a little money. You might need to see a dentist too.it could be a sign of an infection. ( I had one last year and the longer you let it go, the more it hurts!!) However, I am NOT a doctor, this is just something I read recently.You might try webmd.com too.
sounds like syphilis. go to a free clinic
Put hydrogen peroxide on it and brush and floss 2x daily
It could be a canker sore and you can use Zylactin on that or something of that nature like Oral-B or anything for canker sores. If that doesn't heal it then you need to see a dentist to have it checked. You can look for a dental clinic that may charge lower fees. good luck.
I had that once. It was an abcess.
It could be a canker sore but you do have a cavity that you said is close to the gum so it sounds like you have an abcess. The cavity could be so deep that it has now gone into the nerve of the tooth and it is infected. The pimple is a way for the infection to drain so you would not have a tooth ache. If this is what is going on then you will need to have a root canal done in order to keep the tooth. I would go to the dentist and have them take a small x-ray of the tooth to make sure that your tooth is not infected.
i get ulcer spots in my mouth often and i use a great product called Omason made by Oral B. it can be purchased over the counter at most drug stores
you might have what is called a "fistula". this means the tooth has an infection and might possibly need a root canal. It might also start to drain on its own, which will relieve pressure inside and possibly not cause you any pain. You should see a dentist as soon as you can, and you may need an antibiotic too. you never want to walk around for any length of time with an infection in your mouth. in some rare cases, infections can travel to the brain. if going to the dentist is not a possiblity, you should go to the ER and have doc look at it. if it is a public hospital they cannot turn you away for lack of insurance or cash.
Well, i currently read that abscesses (they're like boils) can come up under your arms, on your legs and even on your gums. They are raised red bumps with pus in the middle that are sore. This could be what you have. What I read, said that usually you have to drain (pop, ewwww) the abscess for it to heal quicker by putting warm compresses on it to bring the pus to the surface of the skin. However, be careful or you will risk infection. What I read also said that a doctor may need to do it. I can't see this being too expensive, so you might be able to do it without insurance if you have a little money. You might need to see a dentist too.it could be a sign of an infection. ( I had one last year and the longer you let it go, the more it hurts!!) However, I am NOT a doctor, this is just something I read recently.You might try webmd.com too.
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