Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Why are some people afraid of the dentist ?

Some people just freak out when they meet one or even go to visit one. Some are not kids anymore. I just wonder ?
Hi,when I was younger,I'm 60 now,we used to be given gas for extractions and on one occasion I was given too much and was really poorly for days,I was very sick and the Doctor visited me every day.
The experience gave me a fear of the Dentist and even though I go for regular check ups I break out in a sweat and feel very apprehensive.
I know it is silly after all these years but I just can't help it and luckily my Dentist is very understanding and he told me I'm not his only patient with this fear.
because some people...like myself have had traumatic experiences as children with dentists.my primary school dentist was a butcher...aaahhhhh
I am one of those people, i don't know why its the sounds the smells, i get myself in a right state, but once i am there i am fine.The dentist is really patient!
I think they are just afraid of the dentist hitting a nerve, at least, that was always my problem.
Because we remember how barbaric they were,
its implanted in our old brains
Because sometimes, the dentist misses your teeth and drills the gums
hearing the high drilling noise is an immediate association to the pain of drilling
I'm not, because of my heart condition, anything involving bleeding gets done at the hospital and I'm put out like a light! nice bit of codeine for the pain afterwards as well!:-)
well,for some people the needle is the worst. for me just the thought of it is excruciating! It's hard to make myself go.
Maybe bad experience could cause the fear. Or watching some dumb horror movie. No really, It is all in their head. It could be the same as some one with a unrealistic fear of spiders. There is no real answer for that one. I know some one who wont go to one because one nearly killed him with Novocaine. so it can be merely some thing simple like that, to some thing you can't see. what ever the reason is, it can be a whole ray of things. Some fear the worse in every thing. Maybe afraid to here they got cancer, or maybe afraid they
need a tooth pulled. either way they just get afraid. I know people afraid of the doctor. Wont go when they are sick. Why remains to be seen,but ask some one some time and see what answer they give you. What are you afraid of and your reason you afraid of it. same thing for the person afraid of the dentist.
Well I am one of those people that are scared to death of a dentist. I am 50 years old. I used to not be, but a bad experience a couple of times has made me scared of them now. One bad experience was when I went in to have a tooth pulled out, the dentist broke the tooth off in my gum, she then went in after the root. She thought that she got it all, did more x-rays to make sure. Sewed my gum back up and sent me home. Two days later I thought that I had busted my stitches, so I went back. She sewed it backup again. Two days later, I thought the same thing again. This went on for about 2 weeks, all the while her gripping at me for eating solid foods until I healed. I was eating soft foods only. To make a long story short. She left part of the root in my gum and sewed it up in my gum, the root was what was cutting the stitches all the time. The root was removed later by yet another dentist and to make matters worse, I now have a hole in my gum that will be there for the rest of my life and she also busted my sinus pocket trying to get the root out of my gum which she never got out and then sewed it up with the root still in my gum. Do I need to say more as to why I am scared of a dentist? And on top of that, I am going today to get one pulled out. Been on antibiotics and pain killers for 4 days now getting ready for today. Once I get there, if they pull it today, I will be on gas to help me deal with what is about to happen. Plus the fact that I hate needles on top of that.No it is not all in my head. And another thing, I am also scared to death of spiders as well, lol.Well now you know why I am scared of a dentist. Some may have other reasons and I am sure they do. But this one was the worst one I had.
Some people had terrible experiences as childen. We had a mobile dentist when I was a child who struck the fear of god into every child there. They used to give you gas to put you out -urgh, I still remember the smell of that rubber mask. To this day I still need diazepam to get me through it.
i think there's more than one reason. people have a fear of having a drilling. some people only have a fear of needles. dentists needles sometimes have to go deeper than you'd expect
Usually bad experiences before. I know my mother had a horrible dentist when she was younger, and now is terrified of them.I've not had any bad experiences, but my current dentist is perfect so it helps if you have a kind/caring dentist. I was really scared, but using my current dentist I am no longer scared of them.
as a child i had 3 baby teeth taken out and the dentist forgot to jag me - no one believed me, several years later he lost his licence, as a teenager i would not go to dentist and several years later had dental hypnotherapy at the dental hospital where i got lots of work done - 20 odd years later i go to the dentist with no worries
I am one of the people that are terrified of a dentist %26 have no idea why.I have no fear of getting teeth out it is the dentist.

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