Tuesday, May 25, 2010

White head on my gum?

Hi there.I am freaked out. I have a white head on my gum. The white thing, which is like a small ulser, is a little bit covering my front lower tooth ( I think it's called "lower right lateral" ). Every time I touch the area or eat on it, the tooth starts to bleed. The tooth has a tiny cavity spot on its corner, which is close to the gum. I tried to take a picture for the tooth, with every device i got, but the pictures didn't look good.I am really afraid because I have just came to the United States and I don't have any health insurance nor a job. I need your advice and what to do and where to go.Thank in advance.
sounds like syphilis. go to a free clinic
Put hydrogen peroxide on it and brush and floss 2x daily
It could be a canker sore and you can use Zylactin on that or something of that nature like Oral-B or anything for canker sores. If that doesn't heal it then you need to see a dentist to have it checked. You can look for a dental clinic that may charge lower fees. good luck.
I had that once. It was an abcess.
It could be a canker sore but you do have a cavity that you said is close to the gum so it sounds like you have an abcess. The cavity could be so deep that it has now gone into the nerve of the tooth and it is infected. The pimple is a way for the infection to drain so you would not have a tooth ache. If this is what is going on then you will need to have a root canal done in order to keep the tooth. I would go to the dentist and have them take a small x-ray of the tooth to make sure that your tooth is not infected.
i get ulcer spots in my mouth often and i use a great product called Omason made by Oral B. it can be purchased over the counter at most drug stores
you might have what is called a "fistula". this means the tooth has an infection and might possibly need a root canal. It might also start to drain on its own, which will relieve pressure inside and possibly not cause you any pain. You should see a dentist as soon as you can, and you may need an antibiotic too. you never want to walk around for any length of time with an infection in your mouth. in some rare cases, infections can travel to the brain. if going to the dentist is not a possiblity, you should go to the ER and have doc look at it. if it is a public hospital they cannot turn you away for lack of insurance or cash.
Well, i currently read that abscesses (they're like boils) can come up under your arms, on your legs and even on your gums. They are raised red bumps with pus in the middle that are sore. This could be what you have. What I read, said that usually you have to drain (pop, ewwww) the abscess for it to heal quicker by putting warm compresses on it to bring the pus to the surface of the skin. However, be careful or you will risk infection. What I read also said that a doctor may need to do it. I can't see this being too expensive, so you might be able to do it without insurance if you have a little money. You might need to see a dentist too.it could be a sign of an infection. ( I had one last year and the longer you let it go, the more it hurts!!) However, I am NOT a doctor, this is just something I read recently.You might try webmd.com too.

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