Sunday, October 25, 2009

When you get clear braces, do the tiny brackets have to be clear or is it only the rubber bands?

The brackets are clear, wires are silver, bands are whatever color you want. The brackets can yellow if you drink coffee, tea or cola.
They are much easier to clean than metal, you can see what you're doing.
i think the wires are clear. BUT they change color after a week. so its not worth the money. just get reg.
There are two kinds of braces that are not as visible. One is the kind that go behind the teeth. But those can be uncomfortable, and they only work for certain people.The other kind is the kind you are talking about. Yes, the brackets are clear, the wire can even be clear, and the rubber bands are definitely clear. The regular brackets are made of metal, and are very noticeable. The clear ones may discolor a bit, but they are MUCH LESS noticeable than dark, shiny metal! The clear kind are more expensive, but I got them when I had to wear braces, and I think they were completely worth it. In photographs of me, from back then, you can barely tell I have braces (you can see them, but your eye isn't drawn to them). However, in photographs of people with regular braces, that is the first thing your eye notices!
Well that really depends. Let's say you were to get regular braces, after you get them on you have to go monthly to get them checked up and adjusted. Each and everytime you go they'll ask you which color do you want the rubber bands. There is one that is clear, but from what my g/f told me if you were to get these it would be a bit of a hassle because they'll get dirty faster. You'll have to washing your mouth constantly in order to try and keep them as clear as possible. Now with what your saying, it also depends on what clear braces you're talking about, also the check up's when you have these are different than just the regular one's. Check these links out maybe they'll help. Hope this answer helps you out!
Hi! I got my braces February 14th 2007, and I just happened to get the clear colored ceramic ones!The wire is silver, hence that it's wire.The bracket, (the square looking thing on the tooth) is clear, I chose Pearl so it doesn't dye as quickly.The rubberbands, that go around the bracket to keep the wire in place, is clear, or any color you want.
Again, I chose Pearl so it doesn't dye as quickly.I advse you to chose Pearl if you get clear braces, they dye three time slower than if you were to get actual 'clear' braces. Don't worry, they give you that option because they're ceramics!I hope this answered your question, and also clear braces do not hurt as much and are well, funner and easier to clean!Good luck!
The tiny brackets will have to be clear and I think that the rubber bands have to be clear.

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