Saturday, October 31, 2009

While extracting an infected tooth in a pregnant woman, she faints, dentist should put her in which position ?

While extracting an infected tooth in a pregnant woman, she faints, dentist should put her in which position:a.Supine head up.
b.Supine head down.
c.Lateral on left side.
d.Horizontal on floor.
C. It gets the baby off the vena cava for better circulation/oxygenation to the mother and the baby
ummm you should never extract an infected tooth
you should fist take a round of antibiotics
c. Lying on the left side maximizes blood flow. Lying on her back, the weight of her uterus can put pressure on the vena cava and restrict blood flow even further.However, I wouldnt reccomend extraction as a first option while pregnant as pain management is limited for fetal safety reasons. A course of wide spectrum antibiotics would be first choice.
c..turning on left side shifts the uterus, improving venous return to the heart.
C. roll the pregnant woman onto her side. This relieves the weight of the fetus from pressing on her vena cava.This sounds like an exam question. You should hit your books instead of procrastinating by surfing on the net! :-D

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